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Questions to Ponder?

If someone tells you that "You think you're right all the time", are they saying that they themselves do things they know are wrong?

Why do women say "I didn't plan on getting pregnant!"... Isn't that the kind of thing that you need to plan on NOT 'getting'??

While a component of religion is the private personal element, why do the politically correct people think that the 'private' part is the ONLY part of religion and that public expression is 'off limits', as if it's in the Constitution?

If the athiests are correct, and humans created religion, god, etc, -then why do they blame 'religion' for all the wars of mankind? Shouldn't they just blame themselves in as much as they are human, and are of the same ilk that would have created their own god(s) anyway??

Concerning death-row inmates, - why do some people say "Execute the prisoner, but it's not gonna bring back the victims!". Has anybody ever thought it would bring back the dead?

3 Answers

  • Aleks
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. no, they're just saying that you're an arrogant @sshole.

    2. yes, i agree. that's what condoms are for. if you leave it up to chance its the woman's freaking problem. unless of course the sex was not consensual. then she really didn't plan on it.

    3. its not the public expression of religion that's off limits. the dude that i used to see on the T all the time would wear a billboard that said something to the effect of "have you been saved yet?" and its his right to put that billboard on. where it gets problematic is when a person tries to make an institution of the government endorse a particular religion. like the 10 commandments in the courthouse. that was uncalled for because that courthouse represents justice to ALL americans, and making it "christian" would violate the constitution. also, if the judge wore a cross when he was dispensing justice, you could argue that he's not being as objective as possible.

    4. lol, i blame people for all the stupid sh!t they do. those atheists are just really pissed off and want to offend someone. they aren't really atheists in my mind, since atheists do see everything as man made (or destroyed) and we can only blame the people who f*ck things up for the rest of us in the name of god.

    5. i would advise watching the death penalty ep. of penn and teller's bullsh!t. vengeance is why people want to execute other people and then they're surprised that it doesn't help when the person who killed their little stevie dies via lethal injection. we can't let vengeance rule us.

    besides, you don't need the death penalty, i think living the rest of your life with the "tossed salad man" is worse than hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? We could go on for ages.

    1) Everyone knows they do things wrong sometimes. No one is perfect.

    2) Imo, religion is a private matter, but that doesn't mean it can't and isn't discussed by people... I just don't want to hear my lawmakers discussing it or any of it being brought up in government. Keep it in the backyard, not the White House.

    3) Yes, atheists and theists alike can be bad humans, but there are cases in history where religion only fueled the fire.

    4) It's a figure of speech and a way for people to bring up the hard fact that no amount of justice is powerful enough to undo death or bring back life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If the athiests are correct, and humans created religion, god, etc, -then why do they blame 'religion' for all the wars of mankind?

    (Are you serious? Because they KILL IN THE NAME OF THEIR IMAGINARY GOD. That's why!)

    Shouldn't they just blame themselves in as much as they are human,

    (This doesn't make any sense)

    and are of the same ilk that would have created their own god(s) anyway??

    (This makes less sense.)

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