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I am going to start banging crack cocaine!!!! who wants to join me? the government will give you money if you?

Yes I am not joking ladies and gentlemen, the government has had an SSI *Social Security Program* for drunks and crack heads considering it as a "mental disaese that makes people addicted to it" no **** i coulda told you this, and here our government is rewarding people for it. While people like me have been working since they were 15 supporting these losers. If i would have known this I would have just kept partying after high school so that way the government would help me pay for the 2 online classes i have to take at a community college that total over $600. So I am going to have to put myself through college working full time to pay my bills, because our government is to busy helping out those "less fortunate" with addicting problems or have 10 kids from 10 different dads get not only help from the governement but can go to college all they want whenever they want. It must be rough.


no i am not becoming a crackhead just because this pisses me off. and yes i know people still get this type of ssi my mom is a manager for a hud housing system they get payments for almost anything they want just because of kids...and problems its not fair to other people who have kids and have to raise them on their own, and me trying to go into college

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welcome to a socialist society where everyone can be equal and on the gov payroll, ain't it grand?

    OH, you forgot the money they get to buy a car so that they can get to school or work. Wait, they also get daycare paid for so they can go to school or work.

    You really don't want to be on the welfare rolls, do you? I understand the frustration. But, really a crack head? Please tell me it ain't true!

    For the people who don't think they still do this, yes they do. But, they don't get it by their addition. The doc gets them in by a dual diagnosis. For example, the doc will say a person is severely depressed and to self medicate they take drugs. SEE. The person has a primary mental health diagnosis and the drug addiction is the secondary diagnosis. Really, don't get fooled by the manipulation of the system!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you! Lets start bein big losers too!!

    I understand where your coming from. I get so aggrivated!! I became unemployed and decided the best thing to do was go to school. I have 2 children, work and go to college. I don't have health care, get any state assistance, and get so pis sed off when ppl that I know are suckin the tax dollars up are talkin about thier manicures!! I've worked since I was about 13 and have never had a manicure! What's up with that?? I'm trying to figure out how I can finish my last year of college and still feed the kids while I'm doing it while other people are drunks or fakin back pain while they ride the couch??

    I better stop now b4 I write a book or get my BP up and have a heart attack!! (can't do that, cant afford a doctor!!)

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah yeah its really easy to spout out about all of these people with the help they receive. I too have worked full time since the age of 15 but i also know that being addicted to a drug is not a bed of roses. Its a bad choice to do something which leads to getting to this point but are you saying that you have never made a bad choice in life? Perhaps you were just lucky enough to have made a bad choice that was easier to get out of. You don't suddenly decide to become a drug addict. It is a long long process and if you were to listen to some of these peoples stories instead of instantly judging them you would realize the hardships they have been through. True, these hardships are at their own hand but once your problems steam roll as most addicts do, it is a long hard road out of hell and those who can do it, yes with help, should be commended.

    Try walking in someone elses shoes for real before you judge them and if they deserve help or not and take a good hard look at yourself. Perhaps you are not the righteous person you claim to be but instead just a worker who is lucky enough to not have been in a bad place at a bad time?

    But the main point I want to make is, Do the children of these people not deserve a chance or help? Afterall, just because their parents messed up, does that mean that they deserve to be left on the **** pile to grow up to be just like them? Sure Mum and Dad may not be the smartest, most honest people around but all children are born innocent and if some of this help can allow some of these children a chance at a good education and clean housing etc, then surely this help is worth it? And without help these children WILL end up in the same situation as their parents. It is not as easy as making a choice when you grow up knowing nothing else. Kids learn from example. Land of opportunities?.. only if your parents are good, clean hardworking people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you kidding me, what a crock of ****!!! I can't believe this one! Our system truly ceases to amaze me! I hear you though I am enrolled in college and was supposed to be receiving Financial Aid because I was a Ward of the state of Florida...Because mmmm my mom was a cracki and I got taken away from her when I was young. But anyway what I'm getting at is they took away my Fin-Aid half way through the semester, ( and I'm getting straight A's!) telling me had could not receive funding unless I was either over 24, pregnant, on welfare, or homeless. Any of these would consider me independent. Not the fact that I had always been on my own and support myself to this day! I really want to get my education, it's things like this that drive me towards knowledge even more. There is so much ignorance and selfishness in our country! I wish my opinion was heard like all these idiots!


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    are you retarded or something?

    addictions a disgusting, terrible, lonely, unhappy, unfathomable place to crawl out of

    so few make it out for real that if you do, people doubt you were ever really there


    so like, shut the f up with your whining

    and dont berate the poor lil druggies and drunks that are like looking forward to like a life of like nothing to look forward to but governement checks and people judging them

    and just be greatful that you are smart

    and can qualify to get into college

    and have a home and a family

    and the prospects you have


    dont hate on other people and what they get easy

    just go get yours

    and leave them be

    theires is a path you wouldnt want anyway, man your too smart for that ****, remember?

  • 1 decade ago

    yea i thought of trying to say i was a pot head to try to get paid also.{i would rather be known as a stonier then a crackhead} but i found out that they have eliminated that program a few years back. quiz the one needs to learn to read a bit closer, at first i thought it said white but it says while you fool.

    the ones with 10 different dads need to be cut off though, they are riding on our backs while they lay there on there's. it is easy to see and i don't understand why the government would allow this to continue. they need to go to school to learn what causes them to continue to get knocked up.

    what they really need to do is tell these people that after so many kids that they will be cut off and be supplied with birth control. if after this they come up pregnant again angela jolle should be made to adopt there kid and thrown into jail.

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't do this any more so don't be a crack head! You had to be approved before the year 2000!

    Yes, I was frustrated when i found out too! Now they on;y help them with 1 trip through 30 day rehab then they are on their own, if they stick to the program they help them with job skills training.

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't do it anymore!They use to but they stopped it.I had a neighbor where I use to live that was getting about three checks a month and smoking more crack than the law allows and they cut his check off,they wrote him a letter telling him that he needs to seek help and he will no longer be recieving SSI.But I feel you.If me or you really needed it we would'nt be approved for nothing in the world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Me answered and said she did not understand why this is really going on. It's for the votes of the bleeding heart liberals (of which I confess, I'm one) to say they are trying to do something to help the unfortunate people. There are so many in the world.

    I would say if you are able to go to college on your own, you are truly fortunate.

    It's cold, its hard, but its the cold hard facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Drug users must be rehabilitated and the good ones rewarded. Anyway, it is good for you that you went to college rather than being stagnant as a high school graduate and be a drug user. You are still better.

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