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Anyone watched this video?

This is a documentary about questions surrounding 9/11. I was curious what people thought of it?


I didn't want to offer my opinion until people responded... but it certainly seems that there are a lot of questions that deserve answers. The main questions that struck red flags with me were about the almost (now) obvious planned destruction/collapse of the buildings, particularly building 5, and the "plane" that hit the pentagon. I remember questioning that one from the beginning. Flight 93 still confuses me a lot... I remember wondering about the phone calls as well... I know my cell won't work on a plane.

I wonder how my opinon would change if I knew anyone who was more greatly affected by the attacks? Would I choose to believe what I was told so I could move on, or choose to investigate further? What would you do?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I just watched it, and it does seem very CONVINCING, but I do beleive it lacks alot of CREDIBILITY. Because all of the firemen and police men that were interviewed could just be paid actors getting paid to say that they heard bombs go off. And the clips of different interviews are so chopped and put together that this video is made to make bush look bad.

    But, I dont know too much about steel and all that stuff that goes into a building, but it is wierd how a building can just fall stait down into a perfect little pile. Makes me wonder.

  • 1 decade ago

    Seen it too, long before this posting. Azz is right on. The event that bothered me most was that no Air Force or Navy alert birds, normally on a 10 minute response time, were EVER airborne. Who gave them the command to "stand down"? The airspace over Washington D.C. and the nation's capital and other points in the immediate vicinity are off limits - No Fly Zone. These were penetrated and nothing was airborne. So much for our Air Defense Command. No, this was an inside job, and no one is talking upon penalty of death. The brotherhood is present.

    My question is this: Where will you be next Tuesday August 22, when Iran responds to the UN's question made this past June regarding Iran's intentions to continue or discontinue their research in the fields of Nuclear power? This date is significant to Moselms, but not to Americans....and most telling here is that Iran set the date for their response way back in June. Why this specific date??

    Larry Edelson sites 3 connections to this date: (1) the anniversary of a sacred event: The 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This is the day when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the legendary winged horse Buraq, first to "the farthest mosque," (Jerusalem) and then to heaven and back.

    (2) this date roughly coincides with another event exactly 240 years earlier — the conquest of Jerusalem by the Muslim warrior Saladin, the arch-enemy of the crusaders.

    (3) most telling, August 22 marks the approx. date that the 12th Imam in Islam, or Mahdi, is expected to return to the world. Shiites believe Mahdi will bring with him a new period of Islamic justice.

    Three dates: one specific, two approx. what will happen?

    Larry speculates: "Could the terror plot to blow up 10 airliners headed toward the U.S. have also been slated for August 22? We'll probably never know for sure."

    To help put things in a proper perspective, perhaps a review of the greatest thinker of the last millennium is in order. All of what you need to know is right here.

    Don't be put off by the length of this posting, nor the time it takes to get into the meat. This may be the most important thing you read this year. It will take you less time than the video took to download and look at. After reading this, Aug. 22 will take on a new respect. God bless. And thanks for keeping this video in the limelight.,_bible_codes,_newto...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I saw it and it served to re-enforce my previous suspicion of What really happened on 9/11? I remember thinking on 9/11 when I was looking at the footage on television at home when the planes hit the twin towers and the other plane explosions and the fact that ole GB was conveniently out of town and safely away from harm. I thought way back then that the circumstances of that attack was very suspicious and convenient to start a war. And lo and behold, not long after 9/11 we find ourselves in a war. I think you've made a valid argument for the validity of the video and a lot of questions remain unanswered. I thought back then that I was among a very few who had any suspicions about the facts of 9/11 and I'm glad to see that I was..............

  • I just watched it for kicks. Man that was pretty crazy. I was thinking about the cell phone calls from the planes could explain everything and debunk this conspiracy - then he presented the theory that cell phones don't work at that altitude.


    this deserves more looking in to so say the least!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ive seen lots of 911 videos-- there is definitely somethings we are not being told--- see the Micheal Moore movie-- that was awesome- as well there is some videos out about the pentagon hit-- that's funny how bad and cheesy it looks

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, ive seen it and i believe it's true. I think that it was the government that planned it all and tried to frame people who weren't even involved.

    What do u think about it?

  • iv seen it and it raises some intersting points

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya, seen it but still I don't buy it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i m curious too what ppl think abt it ?

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