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Girls...What's your problem?

Do you see anything wrong with going through your boyfriends things? Cell phone logs of in and out calls? Going through e-mails of your boyfriend, husband or significant other? How about if he decides to snoop through your purse? While you're watching as opposed to doing it "on the sly"? Whould you appreciate or tolerate it? Thanks!


I have no problem with my significant other going through my things, as long as there are no accusations or investigations intended. Of course, it's not proper to "take" things, delete things or otherwise sabotaging your "best friends" privacy and things. Am I overreacting?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is very wrong to snoop around in your significant other's things. I have never checked my husband's cell phone or email account, and I leave mail with only his name on it unopened on the counter for him to open. I believe you need to trust each other. He also doesn't go in my purse or in my things, so a mutual and healthy respect for each other's privacy is what you need for a relationship to grow. I would feel personally violated if he went through mythings, I would get very upset. I think if you have the right degree of trust to begin with it shouldn't happen. If it does, that means your partner has self esteem or insecurity issues, and that reflects badly on them not you. If a guy can't handle allowing me to have some personal privacy when it comes to my things, he is not for me. So, in a nutshell, it is WRONG to snoop, and anyone who thinks otherwise has real issues.

    Source(s): personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not like that. I feel my better half deserves his share of privacy too. I wouldnt be going through his things with an intention of finding things about him that he is not telling me. If I ever have any kind of suspicion, I would ask him straight up. A good relationship is based on trust. If that isnt there.. then that's a bad relationship that I would not like to be in. And I would expect the same from him too. - the trust and privacy thing. But at the same time, what is it with guys? why do they keep complaining so much about girls being 'not nice' finally when a nice girl comes along, the same guy who was searching for a nice girl, now treats the girl badly. Why? - example, take a look at the latest question I posted. Your answer is welcome there too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry but I think lots of you are wrong sometimes you really have to do that because then u know you telling me to be a real woman and not snoop well let me tell you if i didn't snoop thru my mans phone and we were living to gether i would have never found out he had a 5 month old baby. I would never known the real him if i didnt snoop so people sometimes you really have to do that to see how real a person is cause when u do snoop the skeletons come out or do all u people want to be in the closet for the rest of your relationship..**** let me know

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would never go thru my partners personal items and I would expect the same respect. Even though you are in a relationship, we as people should be able to hold some sort of privacy for ourselves. I think its only healthy.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i dont think you are overeacting.. i think she is.. she has to trust you enough to not go through your things, its just a matter of respect and trust! you should talk to her about how you feel and ask her what are her intentions of doing that.. is it to see if she finds some sort of eveidience that you were cheating?? maybe you are not making her feel secure in the realtionship. I think its all a matter of something that has to be talked about between the both of you. Tell her what bothers you and work it out.. if she continues then oviously she is very possive.

  • 1 decade ago

    no you are not i am a real woman and if i need to find out something i don't go through his things i just ask him what i need to know and i think all women should do the same thing and if you find out he is lying then leave him

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont care if my boyfriend goes through my purse or email or mail, the only problem is that he never wants to do it!

    plus i think he likes it when i go through his wallet, because i always end up cleaning it out for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ur not overreacting! She is not ur mom, so there is absolutely no reason 4 her to be checking thru ur stuff like she's some kinda CIA agent or something! I wouldnt stand 4 it!

    Source(s): Love and life
  • 1 decade ago

    i think that it is wrong to go through others things. i mean if u want to know something then just ask them. if u care about them then trust them. if not then u can ask if u can see there phone for a min. or if they are online ask who they are talking to. but to go through things with out them knowing it. yeah thats f**cked up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Totally uncool. I have nothing to hide, but I am entitled to my privacy. If anyone went through my belongings, without my permission, I would rearrange their face.

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