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Lv 6
Sashie asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My puppy shredded a brillo pad ...?

I left my 3 month old puppy unattended for a few minutes in the kitchen, and came back to a brillo pad (the soapy variety) shredded all over the kitchen floor ... puppys face was covered in blue, together with his front paws ... that was about 3 hours ago and he looks fine and healthy to me, but could he have swallowed any of that? Would it get stuck in his intestines? Does anyone have any similar experience?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes Yes Yes, I said that x three because I have three pups and the exact thing happened to me, even the brand is the same. I could not find much of the Brillo pads either. I was so freaked out mean while they just run off and playing away again. I called the vet and left a message then took them in. We stayed there for a few hours and they were fine. I have no idea what happened to the stuff for sure. I may never know. Still I lock that cupboard to keep them safe. Go figure steel and soap? Glad your pup is ok too but a vet check wouldn't hurt. Hope that helps and amuses maybe a future commercial ,"cleans the grime from any pups' intestines!" ~A~

  • Will D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You need to contact your vet’s answering service to have a vet call you. Let the vet evaluate the situation and provide advice on what to do.

    Keep a close eye on the little guy. Expect some runny poop or even diarrhea in the next few hours. I am not certain what the steel wool will do to his intestines, but if you see any blood in his bowel movements contact your vet immediately.

    I do not believe that any of the soap on the pads is toxic, but read the box to make sure. You may also call the poison control number to find out if there are any concerns.

    Good luck!

    Will D

    Enterprise AL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would call the vet. But not be too worried my puppy ate a wooden door frame once and was okay. I would be more worried about the chemical in the brillo pad. Look on the box to see what is in it and then call the vet and tell them what happened. Look for blood in the stool but I think puppies are pretty hardy creatures.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your puppy is probably ok but I'd keep a close eye on him and if he shows any sort of distress then take him to the emergency vets immediately. I don't think that puppies swallow what they shred. In the future though keep any cleaning products out of reach.

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  • 5 years ago

    i might get a crate divider, easily once you obtain the crate it could have incorporate one. Separate her snoozing section from her potty section. I actually have a male yorkie and he rips up domestic dog pads too. I crate practice him and take him out on my deck and he is going in a clutter container. i know that sounds extraordinary, yet a lot of folk with small canines do it and that they sell canines clutter. The potty pads rather are a huge waste of money. The cool ingredient approximately crate coaching is likewise that canines are den animals and that they generally do no longer poo and pee the place they sleep. It rather makes it plenty much less complicated in case you crate practice your canines. If i've got been you i might divide the crate in 2 sections, one for snoozing, one for going to the bathing room....otherwise in basic terms purchase a smaller crate in basic terms for snoozing and practice her to pass on domestic dog pads exterior of the crate. have confidence me, this way is SOOO plenty much less complicated! it rather is complicated earlier each and every thing and you'll be consistent, yet my 4 a million/2 month old male not often ever has any injuries anymore! He loves his crate and is going in it voluntarily, if he has injuries interior the abode, which not often happens anymore, I in the present day positioned him exterior so he's often used with to pass there. I actually have a e book called "Yorkshire Terrier for Dummies" and it rather is rather helped me practice him. sturdy luck with your yorkie! :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL what a character you pup is!

    Keep a close eye on your pup and if he starts acting funny/sluggish/vomiting/having troubles going to the bathroom - take him to the emergency vet. I would double check with your vet on monday (phone call) if he seems to be ok - just in case this could be nasty. . .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    once my dogs swallowed a piece of glass and also a plastic bag with 10 staples and a piece of tube but the next day it passed it out and it was fine but i took them to the vet just to be sure. they were ok!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    take him to the vet just to make sure he is fine

  • 1 decade ago

    i would take it to the vet just in case

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