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is it true that the planet Mars will be visible at 12:30am on Aug 27 2006?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The planet mars is OFTEN visible. Not just at that specific time. Mars was the closest its been for a long time August 27th 2003. For some reason, the hype has built up this year, even though the information is outdated. It will be 60,000 years before Mars is as close to Earth as it was, in 2003.


    If my answer is going to be discredited by another yahoo-er, then they better site some sources.

  • 1 decade ago

    shawnybaby82's information is only partly correct. It is true that Mars is usually visible. It is also true that the Mars-Earth approach in 2003 was closer than it has been in a very long time.

    It isn't true that the closeness record for Mars & Earth won't be beat for 60,000 years. In fact, it will be slightly bettered on 18 August 2208 and again on 20 August 2287. The reason for the record-breaking close approaches is that Mars' and Earth's orbit are shifting slightly in such a way that their minimum separations are slowly decreasing. It's probably a cyclic thing, due to the gravity of Jupiter and Saturn, that will be reversed in a thousand years or so.

    The flap about Mars being especially close to Earth on 27 Aug 2006 is a big fat LIE.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mars is set till next April .

    It's a hoax..

    I heard about the Mars hoax and the answer is no . I'll tell you the real scoop on it . In 2003 it was in fact true ! Mars was the closest it's ever been on August 27 2003 .

    The next year a New York Observatory reprinted the story again on the August 27th date for a joke . It was hown in the states on the local news and they said " The latest Mars craze is going on again this year , It was said to be started again by a new york observatory as a joke and well it's been listed as spam. And it currently is circulating the internet as a forward . We spoke to our local astronomers to get the story and they showed us where Mars is . Under the horizon till next year. t's completely not true this year , It did actually happen last in 2003 as we all know but this time it's a joke. an April fools joke . No madness intended . "

    So it's been floating around for 2 years . Actually there is alot of it going around, crazy emails floating areound of it , observatory phones ringing off the hook .

    It has turned into one big hoax . For further reading put in Mars Hoax into google & google news .

    Next year the Mars Hoax will float again I bet !

    If your interested, you can see more of Mars hoax in the news ..

  • 1 decade ago

    no it is a hoax. Mars was closest to earth in august of 2003 which was after 30,000 years. so there will be no mars visible at 12:30 am

  • 1 decade ago

    No, that date was for the year 2003.

    If you want to see Mars this year, a good date is Sep 30, 2006.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is: no.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i guess so.. didnt watch it..

  • kris
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Please read the question that appeared just before yours. Please.

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