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Is it true that all the "Christian Fighters" here in "Answers" are not gonna go to Heavens?

Jesus said : "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Mathew 7:21).

The will of the "Father" is to "Hate", and intimidate the others?

I think that somewhere there is..."GOD is LOVE.

Their actions do not show such attitude.:(

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are in good company with this question. Many on either side of the Theist/Atheist continuum have pointed this out and asked why.

    I'm reminded of the scripture that talks of false prophets and by their fruit we'll recognize them.

    But the bottom line, I think, is this is the world wide web and there are a lot of people whose maturity is questionable and who seek a forum to act out their hostilities.

    I've taken to asking them why they chose fear and hatred over love. For as we make more room for fear and hatred, we reduce the room we have for Love. As Jesus said, we can't serve two masters ;-)

  • wolfy1
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not everyone who answers questions here is full of hate and I have tired to get people to see that hate is not the way. Jesus said I am the way , the truth and the light. Yes God is love and would that all would follow Him and none would perish but knows it will not happen. After all He is a pretty big being to Love these who go so far as to deny Him, even His existence. i do my best and I pray I am found to be worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven. i know I am not perfect yet I strive for that but not to the point of being hypocritical.I try even harder to avoid that trap. may God bless you and yours.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    those christian fighters are more likely to get destroyed based on there hatred of others and besides there is a quote by Jesus that says not to hate but to love all as equals and accept everyone but the fundamentalist Christians are in my own opinion not true Christians more like pualians since they only follow what he has written in the bible. i follow the true teachings of Jesus and i am a pantheist spiritualist. Christianity is based on Christ-like and the liberal Christians got that part right and i am glad they have. the fundamental christians got it wrong and thats why i dont call any fundy christian a true christian but a false christian point blank period

    Source(s): archangel gabriel
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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  • 1 decade ago

    to quote many in here. Judge not , that ye be not judged. matt 7:1

    christian ask question and want answers to that question no different from any none believer. its called sharing our faith and trying to help those who wish to follow Christ. we are patient in that we will speak our mind and share our words. as we are long-suffering for our cause by tolerating the ridicule all the time. we will enter the kingdom of heaven only if god (not you) says so. it up to him(not you) to decide that. if i am doing wrong by what i ask or say then it will be god who places me where he wants me. for if god wills it so be it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sharing the word of God is not hating. Although Christians can't help it if the non believer recives the word of God with the hate that is already keeping them from His word. Just because the word of God is against your sinful lifestyle, does not mean it promotes hate, It just means that your heart is being convicted by God's word, and you are being forced to look deep inside your self and see what you are doing is wrong, and you dont' like to do that. So you call the word of God spreading hate. That is the lie that satan is feeding you and you are believing it. Because satan says it's ok to do all those things that God says no to, because sin is fun and it feels good.

    God wants to keep you safe and wants you in His kingdom, but only if you want to be there with him of your own choosing. He loves you enough to let you choose where you are going to spend eternity, with HIm or with satan. IF you feel hate, its' because satan put it there, not God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What do you think?

    Anger is as much a reflection of frustration. It implies that those who have taught and guided these people are to blame.

    Sure, there are plenty of Bible quotes to go round for everyone, but understanding only comes from reading, from experience and from listening.

    Will they go to Heaven? I don't think an educated and wise person would consider it our right to judge...

  • 1 decade ago

    Thier actions reflect thier true attitudes, no matter what thier words say.

    This is true of everybody.

  • 1 decade ago

    Please don't let someones attitude rob you from going to heaven. Ignore what you read here and read your bible. Nobody here can save you, only Jesus can.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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