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One year after Katrina--- Has any one been prosecuted for the shoplifting in the aftermath of that storm?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First off I am a citizen of New Orleans who has been back since Febuary of 2006. I am a 23 year old college student ( University Of New Orleans )and a resident of the Lakefront Area. If you shoplifted for food and water . . .great. If you shoplifted for materialistic crap. . .then of course that is bad, but being prosecuted for shoplifting is the last thing on our minds!!! WE ARE TRYING TO REBUILD OUR CITY!! Also, a MAYOR can not call for a mandatory evacuation of a city it has to come from the GOVERNOR of that state. In our case BLANCO. Days before the storm Nagin tried to get Blanco to call for a mandatory evacuation, but she repeatedly turned him down. Nagin kepted getting on the television pleading with us to leave New Orleans as soon as possible. Saying how bad the hurricane was and if we had the transportation to leave that we should. Me and my family left on August 28th ( the day before the storm hit ). This is the first time we have ever left for a hurricane. We usually stay because it never really gets that bad. Not since Betsy or Camille. The most damage we would have in our neighborhood is a couple of trees and power lines down. Nagin continued to plead with the citizens of New Orleans, even showing us how bad the water level could be by demonstrating in the French Quarters with a water level grid the potential feet of water to come into our city ( 20 ft. ). We knew we had to go once we heard him say that it was bigger than Betsy ( that's a hurricane that devastated us years before ). Nagin stayed in New Orleans throughout the whole ordeal and never left like many of our other politicians. Nagin did everything that he could and is still continuing to do his job the best way that he can. My parents and other family members are rebuilding their homes. Plus, I'm glad to hear that my bestfriend is moving back home from Dallas, Texas and coming back to college in the next week. Things may not be the same as they were before, but I wouldn't want to live in any other city in the U.S. of A than New Orleans. It's my home.

  • Q~T
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Nope, and I wonder if anyone was prosecuted for spending their FEMA money on jewelry, strip clubs, tv's, and every thing else it was spent on that wasn't food or shelter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nagin should be prosecuted for manslaughter for not evacuating the city and now messing up recovery. He is mayor only because he is black.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm pretty sure they still have much bigger problems than the shoplifters.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Minority Wealth Re-Distribution Act of 1997 entitles them to keep their loot.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really couldn't say. Those poor people needed all those big screen TVs they stole. I hope they choke on them, or the TV electrocute them.

  • 1 decade ago

    probably not, even though we had plenty of video of people with no homes left stealing big TVs & things they didn't need...

  • 1 decade ago

    Where would they start??

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