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Christianity a monotheist faith?

I get confused by the whole 3 = 1 epidemic.

Does Christianity have more in common with polytheist faiths like Hinduism with their whole all their Gods come from the one God principle rather then monotheist faiths like Islam and Judaism?


If you just wanna say don't question God then don't answer this question, we have rational thought for a reason and that's what I question.

Update 2:

Okay also this question relates to modern day faith as you can get onto many technicalities if you delve into the past I talk about modern day Christians, yes the ones who have "adapted" their faith to the times or what not.

Update 3:

Complex monotheism, right so my Hindu friend is now monotheist? lol

Update 4:

Are you meant to compare God to yourself, the whole I am a Father, son and husband kinda doesn't relate if God is one, it's just one not many?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, it's no more polytheistic than if I were to worship water, ice and vapor. I wouldn't be Christian, but I think I'd still be monotheist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's always called a monotheistic faith, but then you've got the trinity stuff going on. Never could figure out the need for the holy ghost, or, holy spirit as it is now more properly called. I mean, what, really, does it do or add to the religion?

    Back when Chrisitianity was new, it incorporated many aspects of older belief systems. If you're trying to "sell" a new religion, you need to have some elements from the old ones or people won't buy it. This is why Christmas is celebrated around the time of pagan winter solstice celebrations and Easter occurs around the vernal equinox. If you're trying to get people to leave a polytheistic religion and take up yours instead, perhaps an element of more than one god is helpful, even if this is sort of a three-in-one kind of deal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was not a Polytheist and Moses and Abraham and Noah,David, Muhammad Peace be upon all of them. But today Christians Are due to the Trinity there was not trinity B4 The Messiah ascended the Prophets Believed in One God and Worshiped Him Alone and Jesus(Isa) Worshiped God alone and Did not do anything on His own with out his Lords Permission. as did Any of the prophets. Judaism and Islam are monotheist in re guard to Believeing in one God is correct. But I must Not all Christians hold these belief,Ie.... Trinity or Jesus is Equal to God

  • 1 decade ago

    In Christianity , the trinity does not exist. 3 cannt be 1 .Its higher authorites of the religion who got confused and misinterpret it. Even in the Bible ,its clearly mentioned that GOD is the father, HIS Son is Jesus Christ and the HOLY SPIRIT is the acting force. Can Father and son be 1? And when Jesus was batpised ,GOd sent the Holy Spirit upon Jesus in the form of DOVE! Isnt it enough explanatory to tell that 3 cant be 1.

    For more information about Trinity 3=1 misunderstanding do visit:

    All this i say ,coz im a Chrisitian!

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  • Dan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Christianity has its roots in Judaism. Muslims apparently also hold to the Old Testament among other writings.

    Christianity includes the New Testament, and continues the story where Judaism stopped.

    Christianity teaches that God is one and yet is also 3. The concept of the trinity is impossible to fully understand but is clearly taught in the scriptures. That's an arguement that God taught us this about Himself, rather than we invented the idea, because Christians don't fully grasp it no more than we grasp the concept of eternity. But we still believe it. God the father is God, Jesus is God, the Holy Spirit is God. They are separate and relate with one another. Jesus is subject to God the Father and yet He is equally God. Yet they are One God.

    This is not polytheism, its complex monotheism.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it is definatley monotheist as there is only one god. The 3 in one is just a way of confussing people, like the force in Star Wars. They probably just thought that the whole father, son and holy spirit thing sounded good! He is apparently all around and everywhere so he can be whatever he wants, so long as it isn't a She!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have to agree with Patch. You have to be a born again Christian to experience the personal relationship you will have with God and the Holy Trinity will be fully revealed to you by the hHoly Spirit.

    God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit = 3 in 1.

    I also suggest you read the Bible to understand what this means, and in order to do that you have to become a born again Christian. In all sincerity and in all honesty

    Source(s): My Life With Christ The Bible Christian Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    You are not the only one. The whole concept of the trinity is hard.

    The original Christians deicded on the doctrine for two main reasons a) it fitted in with their experience of God b) the writings in scripture clearly reveal that the first diciples recognised Jesus as God, & Jesus claimed divinity. You think you find it hard how do you think they felt.

    Modern Theologins also have some interesting input on this. By definition God is going to transend our reason and understanding.

    God is spirit but also incarnates as the word of God/Jesus. You are physical but are proabaly aware of your spirituality and "eternalness". That also blows my mind.

    Finally so what if we make a mistake on our understanding of God's structure (if i can use this language) I am sure he will cope.

    If you can relate to God and only see Jesus as a propheyt/wise man/god I am sure God will cope. I personally find it easier to relate to God as Jesus sometimes, The Holy Spirit sometimes and the father sometimes I am sure God can cope with that as well.

    Leave the Theological debate to those who will always argue just get on with your relationship with God in whatever form he reveals himself to you.

    As with the Hindu thing i am not sure but I believe that despite the different names of gods and the three main names of god they beleive there is only one perhaps a Hindu priest could clear this up.

  • 1 decade ago

    All you have to do is ask God, put your Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and sincerly pray to Him and He will give you the answers. Remember, "It comes to man once to die, then the Judgement!"

    I was working in the Motor Trade some time ago and in the canteen, in front of all the workers, somebody, showing off, told everyone how the Bible always contradicts itself. I went to my bag and pulled out my Bible and said there in front of everyone, O.K...... Show me.... and threw the Bible in the middle of the canteen table. Everyone went quiet, sadly nobody had any idea what to say or in fact new nothing about the Bible. Well, the one who made the comment, said nothing and slowly they all went back to work with their tails between their legs.

    The Triune God, is God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit, The Trinity, i hope that answers your question which has confused you.

    Source(s): Personal Experience The Holy Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    Generally, yes. It depends on the denomination. I think Catholicism is the only exception because it has embraced old gods from old religions and dressed them up as "saints." Surely, if it is acceptable to pray to a saint for help, would that not give him/her the same status as God? It is also the only one (I know of) that accepts the female principle that is acknowledged in most Pagan religions i.e. The Virgin Mary.

    I don't know of any other Christian denomination that does that.

  • 1 decade ago

    okay let me try and un-confuse your mind about the trinity from the knowledge i have(God in 3 persons) First of all there is only one God, Jesus said "he who has seen me has seen my Father",and as he had come to the end of his assignment on earth he said when i go i will send you a comforter.The trinity is a unique relationship between God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God sent his word to dwell among us in Human form that is Jesus and in order to maintain that devine relationship he sent his spirit to remain with us and help us and remind us of the wonderful relationship we now share with Don't let no one confuse you, Jesus is sitted at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf. and the Bible says no one can come to the Father except thru Jesus Christ who is the conduit we use to access God's favour and blessing.

    Source(s): Bible
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