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Just found out that my wife of 8 months is a 1st. cousin what shoud i do?

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Enjoy life and remember she is your wife and lady love ........that's all that matters!

  • Besch
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A lot of Kings back in the day married their cousins. The problem is incest is frowned down upon in many communities. But if you love her, then I guess you can stay with her. You should probably hold a family reunion or something to have members of the family say what they think (maybe on a piece of paper where they don't have to write their names). It may sound foolish but it's a hard solution to a hard situation. I guess it's okay as long as you don't have children becuase they could have strong disorders becuase you both have the same family gene. Since you've only been married 8 months, I think it would be safe for a divorce for a good reason.

  • 1 decade ago

    WHAT???? Well, don't get pregnant....your babies will have like 2 heads or something...

    Did no family come to your wedding?

    How did you find out?

    How long have you two been together?

    Is it legal in your state?

    How much do you want to stay married?

    Well, If you two love each other, and you're not having any biological of luck to you. I know you two aren't the first that this has happened to. There may be some sort of support group out there that can help you.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I found out my husband and I are something like 24th cousins...common ancestor was King John, brother of Richard the Lionhearted. :) (Seriously.)

    Now as for your questions--I wouldn't worry. It would take several generations of "inbreeding" for any defects to show up. Some states allow first cousin but not double first cousin (where you have siblings marrying siblings--Amy and Andrew marry Bernard and Brenda). I would find out what your state allows and go from there.

    I'm descended from a family where intermarriage is extremely common, and I have ten fingers and ten toes, and I'm hardly retarded. :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    How would you not have known that??

    I suggest you research both family trees, to see just HOW closely you are related, and how far back. If you are both from a small, isolated community, you're screwed!! If there is enough divergence in the genetics, you might be able to procreate without the kids having significant problems. Might just want to not procreate!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, it is a little late now. Once you are married it should be a forever thing. You said your vows before God and you married because you loved her and wanted to spend the rest of your life together, right? It would be different if you were brother and sister. It could be worse!

  • 1 decade ago

    Relax. The 1st cousin "rule" varies by state

  • 1 decade ago

    Who cares as long as you 2 love each other. And also president Franklin D. Roosevelt married his cousin Eleanor Roosevelt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What has happened cannot be reversed. The only thing to be worried about is your off-springs there is a chance that they may be retarded because of the blood closeness. Its a chance you have to take and hope for the best. I wish you luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    legally speaking, its ok. but it is kinda weird. but if you are both ok with it, then move on with your life.

    if you want to have children, consult a doctor. you might have recessive genes which will bring some bad traits out like mental retardation, blood diseases, etc. seriously, it's been known to happen. better yet, adopt a child and make this world a better place. dont reproduce

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG! How could you not know that before marrying her? Well, I guess that, if you love her and if you both want to stay married, just don't have any kids with her (you kids will probably be retarted and/or have other severe birth defects). How about adoption?

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