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Pharmaceutical Population Control?

On August 23rd, 2006, the FDA announced the approval for the new, non-lethal “morning after pill to be sold over the counter which will in effect make sex truly recreational and without consequences. WHOOPEE! How about that! The playgirls and playboys can really indulge to a point that by the end of this generation a baby will be an oddity. Old people can look elsewhere for someone to pay for their Social Security or health benefits. The drug companies will still be selling new cure alls for those new, mutated venereal diseases that are sure to crop up as a result of all those free-lance assignations.

There may be a great risk for the young girl or older woman who unknowingly becomes impregnated and takes the new morning after pill.

for rest of the story:

I just linked on if you are leary of links.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is indeed a shame,human beings are messing with the natural order of life,as seen in other countries with high abortion rates,and contraception rates there will be an imbalance in the population.This imbalance will impact our lives greatly.The morning after pill is nothing but pre-abortion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you on crack? Is this really what passes for reality on this planet?

    Sexual activity doesn't decline if there's risk involved. Sex is a natural act, people are driven to it, and therefore engage in it even when there's a risk involved. Removing that risk doesn't make people want sex MORE. We're not going to become a nation of rabbits, madly having sex in the streets like we have no control over ourselves just because an option for those who made mistakes is available. Not anymore than that happened the day after the birth control pill became available.

    Additionally, if only WANTED loved babies are born, do you really think that's a BAD thing? There's no population decline (in fact, just the opposite) in a world where birth control is more effective than ever. We are more overcrowded now than ever before. And it's precisely those populations with less privilege that have the biggest population booms...poor people, people with less education, etc.

    Furthermore, a "morning after" pill (basically an "overdose" of birth control pills) has been available for decades. Any woman can walk into her doctors office, explain the problem, and get a prescription. Skipping the trip to the doctor only makes the option available more quickly, thus cutting down on potential ineffectiveness and problems for the woman. Thus, fewer abortions, fewer unwanted children, fewer children conceived while the mother was drinking alcohol or on drugs.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're out of your mind if you think that people will no longer have babies, because of this. The pharmaceutical industry isn't gonna stop by women's bedrooms every morning and shove the pill down their throats. And even if there were to be a dramatic drop-off in children, it would be best for the world anyway.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's a wonderful thing that this is being made available to women. More choices. It is up to me to decide if I want to go through a pregnancy and not you with your meddling ways. It would be good if the population dropped a lot!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Guess what GOD made sex feel good! God also gave us brains to use for the best possible out come for mankind! I think I want to know how many unwanted children you have adopted? I had to have my uterus removed 27 years ago and yes I enjoy sex often! OMG !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are already many other methods of birth control, the morning after pill is just one more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cool! This will be a great way to prevent abortions!

    Unfortunetly your question indicates that you are one of those people who are more interested in controlling other people's sex lives than preventing unwanted pregnancy and abortion. You are a sad, sad person with screwed-up priorities.

    Good luck with your twisted and perverted mission to lie to people and try to control their sex lives!

    If you want the real facts, try this link:

  • 1 decade ago

    For those with intelligence this will only be used as a last resort, for example if the condom breaks. I sincerely don't see it changing safe sex or people's sexual habits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Drug companies ARE satan!

    Giggles a little, but then agrees with it again...

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