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10 POINTS!! to best answer ! boyfriend cheating? not sure?

my boyfriend use to go with this girl name kim and she somtimes talk to him on the phone and call him and i was ok with that. but today my friend told me that kim told her that he was comming over kim's house and talking to kim on the phone at night and kim said to my friend that he told her that he dont like me could be lying about this but then again she could be telling the truth and if it is the truth if i ask my bf he's not going to confess i wont know if its the truth or not what should i do?????plzzz helpppppp


people keep in mind if i do ask him and he was cheating on me he's not going to admit he was cheating

Update 2:

how will i know if he's honest with me?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is usually proof or signs of cheating. Acting different, making excuses,or a change in routine are some. Do you suspect something?

  • Peanut
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    First, keep in mind that there are "friends" in the world who get jealous when their friend has a bf and they don't. Sometimes they will go as far as making things up that aren't really true. Are you sure you can trust the friend who told you these things?

    Second, if you are satisfied that your friend is telling the truth, I would call Kim and ask if she is interested in getting your bf back. Has she been having him over? After your talk, thank her for being honest with you. Do not call her names or anything else. You are not going to get down in the mud with the pigs here.

    Third, if your good friend lied, don't talk to your bf or the other girl, but if she didn't, it's time after talking with the other two, talk to your bf and find out his side of the story. Before you let him talk, tell him that if he wants to break up, you will understand, but you won't be happy. Ask him, too, why he was sneaking around and not being honest with you about what he was doing. He needs to know it isn't right to treat others that way.

    Fourth, if he was sneaking around, you are lucky to get out before you spent too much time and energy on such a dog. Smile, be polite, but not friendly to him when you meet again after (IF) you break up, and you will soon have someone else to take your attention. The main thing is for you to keep your dignity and never let him know that you are hurt. If you show him that he has power in your life, he will mistreat you at this stage just because he has a guilty conscience. You do not want that.

    Good luck, and remember the old saying: "There are other fish in the sea." This goes for guys, too. :)

    Source(s): Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to your bf. Tell him that you've been told things about him and Kim, and that you know they talk on the phone, etc. Let him know that this makes you uncomfortable, and ask his to distance himself from Kim for a while. Tell me there are rumors about him and Kim, and about you as well, and that you simply want to know the truth. Then, based on his answer decide what to do. If he's not honest with you, and is keeping both you and Kim on a string, then he's not worth your time.

  • 1 decade ago

    One way is to try to get your hands on his cell phone. Check his made and received calls and how long they were. Also check his text messages. If they are talking chances are they text a lot too. If he never brings his cell phone around you anymore that is a sign. Just listen to what he is saying. If it is true that he does not like you anymore he may admit it. Talk to him!! Honesty always works best. Sit him down try (though it is VERY hard) to talk to him rationally not emotionally. If a woman gets emotional it is hard for a guy to talk to her honestly because he just wants her to quit crying. Guys look at things more logically, women more emotionally. Just tell him what you have been told do not accuse him of anything and ask him what he thinks about what you were told. Ask yourself also if you do not trust him why are you with him. Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship. Without it there will always been suspicions and doubts and so always contentions in the relationship.

    If you believe there is even a slight chance he is getting tired of you then make him remember why he wanted to be with you in the first place.

    But over all best thing I can say is be honest.

    Hope it works out for you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    there is no way to tell EXACTLY if he is cheating on you

    but if i was in this situation i would think that kim is lying about it all, depending on certain u and kim talk at all? do you 2 get along? does she always envy u for going with her ex? if u 2 dont talk at all and really dont like eachother then she is prolly lying to make u wanna break up with him. shes just jealous

    also u said that ur friend told u that kim told her he was goin over his house...she is ur friend and all but there is a possibiltiy that she is lying to u too only if kim and ur friend are friends....if they are not friends prolly told her that cuz she knew that she would go back and tell u and since u are friends u would prolly believe her, so she might be usin ur friend to get to u

    all u need to do is ask ur boyfriend if this stuff really happened....also u said if u would ask

    him u said he wouldnt confess...well that should tell u right then that u shouldnt be with him, if he's a man he needs to be honest with u.....

  • 1 decade ago

    First off I am looking for questions in a random way today. I am just looking for ones that have 10 points in the question. It is fate sort of that brought me to you.

    I have been having major BF troubles with things that look close to cheating. I ask you this question. If you cannot trust the BF to tell you the truth should you be dating him in the first place? Trust is an esential part of a relationship and if you cannot trust him I do not know what you have.

    It you have kids and other factors this will make a difference, but if not cut your losses and look for someone better. You deserve to have someone you trust and if he wants his ex cut him losse and let him have her. You want someone who wants you. You are a wonderful valuble person and someone will appreciate you as much as you love him.

    Just think about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to Kim. Ask her when he's been coming over and catch him red handed. Simple.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    omg!!!! i went through almost the samething!!!! im sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but i think he's going to cheat!!!! i mean boys lie...they cant stand to b proven wrong....but we as females are mostly right so i mean hey......u should confront him an ask him about it....if he say no he not...then tell him to put it on something you know he loves more then anything....then tell him if he going to cheat on you, why dont he just brake up with you....b/c if cheeting is going on, obviously there is something laking in the relationship b/.c he feel the need to u'd rather u both b happy rather then good luck girl!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    okay im a guy. this is what you do. get your friend or you to go over kim house. get your friend to find out what time he is going to be over there. and catch him in the act. then he wont have to say but a dumb look on his face

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you should tell him that you are talking to your ex and see his reaction and then see if your friend heard anything from kim about your bf talking about it. If so then he cheating leave his azz anyway it goes you shouldnt put up with this there are others

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