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what's it like for me to be you for a day?

don't you ever wonder what it'd be like to be someone else for a day? so tell me what is it like for me to be you for a day?

If you were to be me for a day, you'd have to deal with school, and my family, and trust me you don't want to deal with them, they can be so annoying. but the good thing being me is that I'm lucky I have a wonderful husband who's always there for me to cheer me up, and love me to care about me.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pain all day from a broken back several years ago.

    Being on so many meds I had to make a schedule.

    Listening to my Mom tell me what she had to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Having at least one person call me a day, to help them solve a problem, mainly because I'm a good listener. ( thank goodness for some of my meds ! )

    And I won't EVEN get into the family stuff. Like you said, you wouldn't want to deal with them.

    As much house work as possible.

    Then when my husband comes home, we talk about each others day, have dinner, laugh at certain things, cry at others, but as you......he's always there for me, no matter what.

    it's nice to be so loved, isn't it ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Pretty pleasant, all in all. But be forewarned, first thing I do in the morning is get on a bicycle. I only ride like four miles, but there are hills. Now that the heat wave has passed, is a nice and refreshing way to start the day.

    Tomorrow I will send out invoices and do some consulting work, probably on the phone, maybe a face to face. Work a little on current project. I really ought to work some in the yard, but this time of year, the allergies are really kicking in. Oh yeah, I need to get the oil changed in the car and make a dental appointment for October (routine).

    Fix dinner for the family, oversee homework and piano practice. I am usually in bed by 9 or 9:30, find it hard to stay up nights like when I was younger, but awaken early, usually before the alarm goes off.

    I have tried to arrange my life to be as low-stress as possible, and quite thoroughly enjoy it. Peace RULES!

  • 1 decade ago

    Get up at 430 am for work. Shift starts at 6 am. You would sit in a chair in front of 4 computer monitors and talk with about 15 crews.

    You would triage emegency calls.

    You comfort scared elderly people.

    You talk to drunk people.

    You have to send an ambulance to someone that just shot a cop because he crashed his car while fleeing.

    You comfort your crew after they tried CPR for 30 mins trying to resussitate a child that fell into a pool and drowned.

    Then you go home and process everything you did that day. Try to sleep to get up tomorrow and do it all again.

    Gee, homework and a good husband doesnt sound too bad, does it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Up at 2:15AM, Quick breakfast, check e-mail, Yahoo Answers, leave at 4:20AM. Start work at 5:00, bust butt for ungrateful b*st*rds for 10 hrs (Mon.-Sat.) Home by 3:25Pm, shower, dinner, help with homework. On dollar night take daughter roller skating or go alone if she doesn't want to go. Most evenings read unless Cleveland Indians are playing (Go Tribe!!) To bed around 10:30PM. Repeat as needed.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You would have fur balls in your mouth

    You would eat mice

    You would play with strings off the side of the sofa all day

    You would take about 5-6 naps a day

    You would cover your own shiitt!

    And last but not least you would kick it on the sofa watching the simpsons all day

  • 1 decade ago

    well if it was me now, ud have to get ure *** outta bed a 7 n then get ready to go to college, then forget ure lunch like everyday n skip lunch, only a half hour lunch, then sit in class for 10 hours n learn some sh!t, n then get so bored that u almost fall asleep, get out a 6 n then go home n eat somthing, then go out n get hammered n then wake up at 7 the next morning again

  • u would work 11 to 7 at a care facility, u would go to school from 530 to 930, u would be in a new relationship about to get married and he has twins that are four years old, u would have tons of homework, i would need u to maintain my 4.0, and u would have two dogs and a cat, u would be happy to find a moment or two to sleep

  • 1 decade ago

    You would get up at 6:30 am and cook breakfast for your two kids. Then take the food to the kids. Start a bath for your daughter. Make yourself a diet coke and go back into your bedroom and smoke. Then You would get up and yell at your son. Get dressed. Fix your daughters hair. Drive your kids to school and come back home most days. Then you would put two biscuits in the oven and go into the livingroom and turn it too happy days and get on the PC. When the 1st happy day's was over you would go get the biscuits out of the over and make yourself something to eat. Then you would watch Happy Day's and eat and answer questions on yahoo answers for about 2 hours. Then you would get up and wash a load of clothes and make another drink.......Watch TV or get back on the PC.Talk to all the people that call. Around noon. You would get a bath. Roll hair and put on your make up. Watch As the world turns. Then at 2:30 you would leave and go pick kids up at school. Take them to local fast food place. Then come home. Get in the pool or get on the PC.....

    While the kids play you are on the PC. Then at 5 pm you would help with homework and cook dinner. Your hubby would come home. You would have dinner with your family. Kids would take baths and get kids to bed. Reading everynight too the kids. Then you would take another bath.Make some tea and get on the PC. Then some nights you stay up with hubby or go out. Some times I shop instead of coming home. I go to bed and get up and do it over all over again. Sometimes or most the time hubby takes the kids to school on the way to work....That's about all I will do. I wash clothes,cook,wash dishes and sit at the PC.

    When it's cool I walk outside instead of working out inside.


  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you were me for a day you would either be very bored or very wierded out, depending on the day. I either have very boring days where I sit around with my friends and watch music videos...or we go "adventuring" where we will try and find haunted or scary stuff. That kinda stuff goes either way.

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