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e_deckwa asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

is it dangerous to take a supplemental vitamin and use a metabolic enhancer?

I regularly take a vitamin in the morning but just bought some supplemental shakes. I dont want to overdose on supplements. I do know that too much iron is bad and also vitamin E. Should i stop taking one of the two?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    all fat soluble vitamins(vitamin A,D,E,K) are very dangerous if taken in amonts other than required.

    u can take water soluble vitaims as supplements(vitamin C and B-Complex)

    AND AVOID IRON NOW CAUSE ITS EXCESS IS FATAL. U WILL LOSE UR HEART AND BRAIN TISSUE WITH EXCESS IRON. ONLY TO GIVE U A SLIGHT IDEA , human body has only 5 to 7 grams of iron, now u decide what will happen in a month if u take even 0.5 gram as supplement.

    i recommend to only take vitamin C and B-12 and FOLIC ACID as suppliments, not other than them

  • 1 decade ago

    Deckwa, vitamins are good to use with metabolic enhancers, just don't overdose and you'll be on a steady pace with your supplemental routine. Now I've heard that these one are good to use from friends to even co-workers, if you'd like the link, here you is I've been hearing good news all around

  • Dr Dee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


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