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How would you handle this situation?

A few days ago I answered a question on here. This lady was in a bad situation. I gave her my opinion and told her if she needed to talk about it she could e mail me. I went through the same thing as her. She put me on her messanger list. We comunicated and I gave her several different options on how to get help. She had an excuse on how she couldn't or wouldn't do it. I asked her why then she posted her question. She said she doesn't want help, just wanted to see how many responses she would get. Now every time she sees me on line she instant message me. I really don't want to communicate with her. I feel a little betrade. What is a nice way to tell her to leave me alone?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell het that u don't want to speak to her cuz u tried to help her after she asked for it. Why would she say that she wasn't going to do something after she was hte one asking for the help in the forst place? Itys not lik eu said oh let me help u!1 She came to u first, or she asked for answers and u helped but now she doesn't want it. So just tell her that u dont want to speakto somone that asks for help and then doesn't want to do what may have helped them. Or tell her that next time if she needs something or help, don't ditch out on hte ppl who are trying to help her.

  • 1 decade ago

    just change it so you always seem offline to her or put her on your no contact list. That way you dont have to bother with her at all. When people do stupid crap like that you don't even have to justify them when an answer for not speaking to them. Otherwise tell her she was wrong, you're not happy, and you don't want to deal with her anymore.

  • Mimi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Just tell her straight out. She told you straight out what her reason for posting that question. Obviously, she doesn't care about other people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell her that she is making you uncomfortable and you think it would be best if you didnt talk to her, best for both. If she doesnt stop block her.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you don't want to talk to her just block her. Its not like she's a friend or even really an aquientece, you don't even really know her.

  • 1 decade ago

    put her on ignore so that anytime she tries to send an IM she doesn't get through

  • 1 decade ago

    DELETE her from your messenger list...

    then the next time she im's you click on the IGNORE button.

    poof she's gone....

    if she keeps on... report her....

    poof she's gone.

  • Corina
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just ignore her IM's. Thats all you can do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Come on, are you kidding me, ignore her, simple as that. But thanks for the 2 points

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you just did

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