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How would society (& the world) be improved with better birth control education & practices?

4 Answers

  • CF_
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    currently the number one threat to continued human existance is our own over population.. rich or poor, the planet simply cannot sustain these numbers - at over 6.5 BILLION people we are already seeing long term problems - childhood asthma, increase cancers, loss of fish in the seas, weather pattern changes, deforestation, urban sprawl, poor water quality, stress... etc....

    the world would be less stressful if it was less rat race.. if there were fewer people so resources could go around better..

    thank you - I had one kid and then had tubes tied.. if we dont address the problem now in less than 100 years we will have to impliment death sentences to keep our numbers down.. all adults who reach a certain age will be put to death to keep the planet from being over populated worse

  • 1 decade ago

    I think everyone should be well educated on birth control so that only those who truley want children have them, we live in a world where people ignore birth control and then turn their precious children over to the system or abuse them because they don't want them and that is so wrong, these precious babies didn't ask to be brought into the world. There are many forms of reliable birth control and I think adolescents need to be educated on them at a younger age and know that they are available, I also think that there should more organizations like planned parenthood where teens can go to get affordable birth control without having to face the fear of telling their parents, I understand that parents want to know what their children are doing and I completely understand that, but we must realize that if teens want to have sex that bad, then they are going to do it, so if birth control is more readily available we may cut down on the young teenage pregnancies.

  • Ericho
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    well if people who cannot afford to have children would wait then it maybe better on the family but society as a whole it will not matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    It would help to break the cycle of youngsters becoming parents and going on welfare as well as help to curb the massive starvation in certain countries.

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