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How can Muslims and Christians resolve their misunderstandings?

After the cold war, some wanted another enemy and Islam was picked up mainly to acheive certain political and economic goals. The majority of Muslims (one milliard and two hundred millions) are peaceful. If we carry on hurting, killing insulting each other that can only lead to hate, anger and wars. What do you think the best way to sort out this problem?


PLEASE : only constructive answers, no hate or angry ones.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    By actually reading their holy books. Trust me, I've read both, and would now rather shoot myself than shoot a Muslim or a fellow-Christian.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm afraid i can't see any peaceful resolution to the friction. Muslims and Christians have been at each others throats since they came into contact.

    We're obviously not going to isolate one culture from another which means the current hostilities will carry on until it kicks off properly.

    I feel the situation is going to get a lot worse over the coming 10-20 years before it gets better.

  • 1 decade ago

    The same way that all followers of all religions should get on with each other. And the non-religious as well for that matter.

    Show respect for the way others choose to live.

    It's all very well everyone believing theirs is the only true religion but all but one of you, and maybe not even that, are going to get a bit of a shock come judgement day! For an idea of what it might be like I'd recommend Rowan Atkinsons sketch from The Secret Policemans Ball.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only way to overcome misunderstanding is to foster a climate where understanding is the object. This requires effort from both sides. Many of our problems are caused by an ignorance of where the other is coming from. For instance I as a non- Muslim have little or no knowledge of what drives them and equally they can have no knowledge of me. Until something is done there will be mutual distrust rather than mutual respect.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There can be no end to this problem unless they start taking care of their own country instead of running away. How can you deal with a country who's government is dictated by terrorist. If we don't fight them they will destroy us for no better reason than their own selfish beliefs. The devil offered Christ the whole world if he would follow him that is the offer made by these terrorist(Not Muslims). "Do what they say or be put to the sword." The most pathetic part is the fact that they commit these atrocities in the name of God. I hope for the sake of the entire world that the Good Muslims will find the will to stand up for there own country and boot these terrorist out on their asses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what some of the people on this page dont understand is that you can't hold a religon accountable for the actions of some somali gunmen. Somali gunmen killed a nun, im Muslim, i COMPLETELY disagreed with that and think they deserve death... The strong reactions towards the caricatures and the IMMATURE statements by the so called pope are because of our strong faith in our religon. Of course they extremely furious people burned down embassies and did actions of the sort, but the majority simply protested, are we wrong for protesting against the media? the media that slandered our religon?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Who told you this about Christians wanting a new enemy after the cold war? Sounds like you've been listening to radical muslims on this point, or it's a theory that you are using as your entire premise and makes your question too loaded to answer.

    Source(s): I will add that it would do alot of us Christians some good to see you protesting some of the violence of the radical muslims. All we ever get to see is people dancing in the streets at our American tragedies. I have 9-11 burned in my memory of how the streets of Lebanon were in celebration.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Peaceful? Where are the demonstrations of protest when people are murdered and slaughtered or blown up by suicide bombers? There are none. But you come across with a old comic and they burn down France, or the pope quotes a 1st century scholar and they go ape-**** and murder a nun by shooting her in the back no less. The Muslims are going to have to show the people of this world that they truly want peace. So far they have only demonstrated the opposite.

  • 1 decade ago

    communication, instead of demands. we can't always have what we want, we have to work for it with time and patience, with peace in mind. some humility being seen will create humility, instead of threats. most people just want peace and for everyone to be as content as possible, but many don't. in the final analysis we are all being used as economic and political puppets by everyone concerned. if the sane people can't strike peace between themselves, then the crazies will be allowed to take over the crazy house...the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Start with your Muslim neighbors. I live in an apartment building that is mostly Muslim and boy you can tell who you can be friends and not! The friendly Muslims are somewhat intimidated by the others in the building. I still believe a one on one as a friend is the best way.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think your analysis is a trifle simplistic, but really the only way any group can start to understand any other group, is by individuals getting together and talking to each other. Then if enough people do this things can only get better on a larger scale. Unfortunately the two groups are so segregated in britain, it is very hard to really get to know each other.

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