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What film clip is used in the new "Skinny Pants" GAP Commercial with Audrey Hepburn dancing in it?


My girlfriend says it isn't from a film but I highly doubt that Audrey Hepburn did a GAP Commercial before she died and before the Gap was ever formed.

Update 2:

that commercial does Kick ***!!!! HEY YOU GUYS! Vote for this question as a good get the 10point as soon as the 4 hour time limit clears. It was Funny face... i went to so that I founbd out what it is...IT IS A GOOD COMMERCIAL...I'm going to rent the movie.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe it is "Funny Face" 1957 with Gene Kelly.

  • 1 decade ago

    i want to know too! doesn't that commercial kick @ss?

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