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Do you think this website of guys not to date will get shutdown?

If I was a guy posted on this site I would do whatever possible to get it shut down, its pretty harsh. Kinda funny and sad at the same time though...

I kinda like it though, but I don't know if I hate anyone enough to add them to the list...

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOLOLOLOL I love it ! Jerks should have kept it in their pants~!

    Source(s): HAHAHAHAHAHAH
  • 1 decade ago

    i think perhaps you had some bad experiences with men. youre entitled to your opinion. Im a man by the way. Men aren't all jerks. But yeah, often the jerk gets the girl as women are attracted to confidence and decisiveness that the guy has; even though it goes hand in hand with a lot of other bad qualities. Its simple, if a guy likes you he will meet you on time for a date and he'll respect you. Nowadays many men are too scared to go in for the kiss and make a move - that's a shame. But a real man will. If a guy is late without excuse/ consistently treats you bad, obviously if you have a healthy sense of self-esteem you have to cut him loose. But getting pissed off at ALL men isnt going to help a girl find a great one... it's probably going to scare him away. A guy who is good with women but cares for them always knows to pick a girl he likes who has a good track record with relationships and doesn't have any unresolved anger/conflicts. That kind of stuff will just mess up any new relationship they get into. So i guess if setting up your website makes you feel better about whatever happened, that's great! I read your website briefly and im not bothered by it. Just dont dwell for months on the past - otherwise the other person won cause they affected you so much.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's stupid, you never know whose lying or telling the truth about the men on that site! their could be some pretty decent guys who just ran into the wrong female and when he let her go she got pissed and wants to hurt that guy the same way she's hurt! I believe this site just makes it easier for women to bash guys publicly! It should be against the law because you never know whose looking at the site! I just think it's f***ed up to put someone on a world wide site just because you had a horrible experience with him! If it wasn't life threatening then why Bash a man On-line, and try and justify your actions by saying you're helping other women! If that was a justifiable reason to maybe ruin someone' rep then why isn't there a site for women who are just as f***ed up, they are out there! I just hate things like that! Besides whose really reading and paying attention to what is being said and then goes out sees the guy and says, "I can't date you because you are on that website, get away!" LOL but honestly people are going to be who they are and date who they want no matter what people say about it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's just like the website of girls not to date.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stop spamming.

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