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csaddler21 asked in SportsBasketball · 1 decade ago

who gets more criticizes Barry Bonds,A-Rod,Kobe,T.O. ,Lance Armstrong or Tiger Woods?

tell me who's # 1 when is comes to criticize

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    barry bonds and the steriods case, people are just plain racist, there are many other people that get caught for using steriods but they have to pick on the black man.

  • 1 decade ago

    All of these guys are tops in the history of there sports:

    People are on Barry Bonds because they assume that he uses steroids, there has been no concrete evidence to prove that he used any proformancing-enhancing drugs.

    they are on A-Rod because he has a slight slump. It seems they forget about all the great things hes done and how hes the youngest to do a lot of things within baseball

    T.O is a great player. Its just his off field actions. He shows up when it matters.

    Same as Barry people are just talking a things are said that are far from the truth. The guy is the only man to with 7 straight Tour de Frances.

    Tiger Woods, nothing bad about him. Its just jealously.

    Kobe Bryant.......................His arrogants, people say he ball hogs when its his will to win by any means. and its a little jealously.

    I think that Barry Bonds is under the microscope no matter what he does. Yes its about race also. Because Roger Clemens was said that he used illegal drugs but as soon as he says he did nothing its gone. They say Bonds has done some crazy things as hes getting older. Clemens is throwing 95 mph fastballs at 46 years old and won 50+ games after the age of 40

    After him is Kobe, its said that he wants to be Jordan or better then Jordan (but who doesn't) He so called ball hogs, but is on a team where no one really is aggressive to help him in the clutch. His arogance is big and why shouldn't it be, he does things barely anyone can do. He hit 81 points and thats because his team wasn't doing nothing and was down 20 points and his will to win or what some call "ball hogging" to over the game and they won. It would be different if they lost.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its between T.O. and Barry Bonds. But lately I have been hearing more about T.O., with his so called "suicide" attempt and his upcoming game with the Eagles. I'm tired of hearing about him; people are just making drama. And the whole Barry steroids thing is annoying now. Why are they going after him so hard when there are many other players who used steroids? Maybe because he's chasing the homerun record. But its been said that steroids don't help with hand-eye coordination, which is important in being able to hit a home run. I guess the media just needs something to talk about...

  • 1 decade ago

    A-Rod because he is playing on the biggest stage...Yankee Stadium, there is no margin for error, which he as had his fair share of.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They all suck in their own ways, except for Tiger, he a god.

    TO probably gets the most but he deserves it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    all of them cuz they are blk

  • 1 decade ago


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