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How does someone deal with racists remarks?

and I'm talking about such remarks to different races, not just to blacks. And what joy is there in racially abusing a fellow human?


but there are relly resilient ones who just go on and on, like the Santander fans in the spanish laliga (going at Eto'o in two straight seasons). So now i want to know, since workplace racism has come in, what are the best punishments that can be lashed at a racist...goes for domestic racism too. and thanx for the answers, alot of people will get a lot of good stuff from what you guys say today aight.

26 Answers

  • Sean
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on my mood. Sometimes I just say or think whatever and carry on, to me they are just showing their ignorance.

    But if I'm already having a bad day or have something on my mind I'll take it out on them, its a trip how fast they can suddenly act civilized.

    That can piss me off more sometimes because it's like they can't make up their minds, I'll ask them if they think we're on a see-saw and I'll tell them to get back to the not caring side so I can show them how to do that right.

    They usually run off or stand there with their mouth open. Humans are weird creatures.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it's directed toward another person and you are just a witness, say "that's not appropriate, surely there is another way to explain your position." Racist remarks are often made with the assumptions that others agree with the comments, and if we're talking ettiquette, I think the appropriate action is not to allow the assumption to persist.

    If it's in the workplace, report it to the HR department. Small patterns of abuse can lead to bigger ones and in all cases, the workplace should be a place of tolerance. This is where a person earns the money for food on their table. Everyone has a right to an environment where they are comfortable to focus on their jobs.

    The best answer I can come up with to your main question "How does someone deal with racist remarks" is "with sympathy". Sympathy #1 for the person who is forced to endure them but also sympathy for the person who is saying them. Generally speaking, it is a way to feel superior, for a person who has few methods available. If you're strong enough, you can help teach people that they can be respected as humans, and not have to denegrate others. Confrontation isn't the way to do this, but leading by example can make a huge difference (at least in my experience).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you ignore the person making the remarks they will eventually give up when they find they have no affect on you. but fighting racist remarks with racist remarks definitaley does not help things.

    The thing that confuses me to this day, and i'm sorry for pointing out black people for this, but they do most commonly do this, is refer to themselves as 'the N word' It is used in songs ans in regular talk. And then they wonder why especially young adults and even children call others the 'N word'

    I am by no means racist but i can not support the stopping of the use of that word when black people(not all but definatley the famous ones) use it themselves in reference to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can either act on it or ignore it. If you act on it then you are really no better than the person who said the remark. If you ignore it, it shows you are the better person. People find joy in abusing a fellow human being to make themselves look superior when in all actuality it just makes them look like morons.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's the same joy that people get when they make fun of nerds, or the handicapped, etc. It's to make the abuser feel better about themselves because they are somehow not very confident about themselves as a person. It is very, very wrong to abuse anyone with words! I am a nerd and when I get made fun of, I look right at the person and say "Oh really. I'm sorry you feel so incompetent that you have to take apart MY life to make yours look better" and then I walk away.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is very easy to say ignore racist comments, especially if its not you its directed at you.

    But when its in the work place, it should NOT BE TOLERATED, it is also in breach of work place pracitces. So any one who vilifies another colleague/staff member or customer, can be prosecuted.

    On the street there is not a lot you can do, but walk away, and say nothing to the person. But if the knob who is being rude follows, then you can have them charged for harassment, and racist comments. (just have to prove it)

    In company of family and friends you have the right to ask the person to leave, and that their comments are not appreciated. You may need to call the police if they refuse to leave and continue to vilify those around them.

    Source(s): Youth worker/carer, teacher and work place trainer
  • 1 decade ago

    There is also no joy in defending yourself in a situation when you know it will become argumentative.

    You deal with it when your view will make a difference and the need to make a point doesn't overrule the situation at the time.

    Racial discrimination is not the only kind that we have to deal with.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've just learned to ignore it. Responding will only fuel their hatred, but if you ignore them, they will eventually get bored or do something drastic. Either way, they will have to stop, whether it's because you've stopped responding, or because they've finally really crossed the line.

    Humans are petty creatures. I dont understand racial abuse because I've always been at the receiving end of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well if you have witnesses and depending on where you are in world you can make a complaint to race relations or your HR department if it is in the work place.

    I think racist remakes come from a lack of intelligence.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think the law should handle them. i mean seriously, why can't theese people get throw in jails when they make racist remarks or is caught doing something that is racist?

    it doesn't have to be a long jail term, even if its for a few days its good punishment for them.

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