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Lv 5
EDDie asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

What would you like to see in a vegan/vegetarian Web site?

What content would you like to see on a Vegan/Vegetarian Web site? I am working on a brand new Web site. I would appreciate your input. Thank you in advance!

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    BRAVO! I can't wait to see this excellent Vegan/Vegetarian website. Of course, along with the recipes and info on what is important in the daily diet to yield the best nutrients, I would LOVE to see actual pictures and stories of other Vegans. The world gets a false picture of Vegans/Vegetarians as being emaciated, vapid, undernourished, spacy, barely-there people with a vacant stare and no real energy to do anything. Let's get some pics on your website of REAL Vegans and veggie folks in their true colors and habits. The world would be surprised to see that 99.9% of us are extremely vigorous, extremely healthy, active people with beautiful skin coloring of all races. We have often advanced graduate degrees. If, like me, we have very beautiful skin and silver hair, we look very YOUNG and act like the world is our oyster. We have the energy after working intensely physically and mentally challenging jobs to come home and be creative and make our home life something most non-Vegans and non-Vegetarians would only dream of. In essence, let's let the world see who we TRULY are!

    Good luck on this wonderful website, dear! Again, I can't wait to see it! Keep us all posted!

    Source(s): 49 years of life and Vegan lifestyle experience.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hey. (= Ive been vegetarian for a few years now. Its not all that healthy to go vegan. To me, being Vegetarian is about not eating anything that casts a shadow, as in has a life. Eating milk, cheese, ect is not in any way hurting the animal, so there fore there is no good reason to become a vegan. Phahaps, if you still eat fish you could stop and take tablets instead? Dont get me wrong, i respect vegans...but there is no real reason for becoming one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, even though I'm a vegetarian / near vegan, I am not the militant type. And when I come across sites that are very... aggressive, I leave the site. It just bothers me. So I think your site should be fun for all people, show that the vegetarian way of eating is a highly pleasurable choice that can bring pure joy to your life. Lots of getting started stuff, like maybe you can have a section specifically devoted to the basics of cooking rice, beans, tofu. Maybe a section where experienced veggies can give advice or answer questions from people who are just starting out. It seems that many people are interested in that lifestyle but don't know how to get started or maintain it. Like other people said, lots of nutritional info, maybe a section that covers the nutritional values of different products and foods. Links for companies that offer special vegetarian/vegan food/clothing products, vegetarian nutritionists, etc. A section for people's personal stories would be nice also. It's always interesting to hear how people got into this way of life. Message boards. One thing that I really would love, is if you had a section where people could post reviews of vegetarian restaurants in various places that people could refer to when they need to go out. I have been having trouble finding some good places in my area, I asked people on here if they knew a good place and all I got was dumb, silly answers. But you could have it on your site, like you could have links for each state, someone could click on PA and find vegetarian restaurants in PA. If people have gone to the place, they can write a review. And recipes, lots of recipes, that range from vegetarian to raw food, and everything in between. Maybe a "troubleshooting" section for people that are having specific problems, like deficiencies or difficulties in dealing with others. That's all I can think of. Good luck with your site! : )

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the above answer, some nutrition info would be good. Maybe a list of fruits and veggies and the nutrients they provide so people can be sure they are creating balanced meals. Recipes would be great too, especially some that will appeal to non-vegetarian friends. I'd also like to see links for mail order / online stores- everything from supplements to cookbooks to non-leather shoes. Good luck with the site!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Ditto on the nutrition guidelines. I'm not a vegetarian, but I know a couple who don't realize all the nutrients they're missing out on. Maybe some recipes for meeting those guidelines, too.

    I also don't know about other vegetarians, but I love meat substitute products like Garden Burgers and veggie dogs. Although I realize some people think they're nasty. Maybe some reviews and recipes for that?

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    acutal quantitative data about the "benefits" of a vegetarian/vegan life style over eating a well balanced healthy diet, which vegans claim to be true. I'va actually heard from a vegan that a 4oz avocado has more protein than a 10 oz steak. someone needs to lay off the pipe.

    Source(s): by quantitative data I mean university/medical research center studies. nothing by peta or any other biased vegan organization.
  • -
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sounds cool!

    I'd like to see a lot of detail for how to avoid animal products that are hidden in less than obvious foods, ie gelatine and animal retin in cheese. Name some brands/specific foods that you need to watch out for, ie Muller yogurts and parmesean cheese. Also lists of good "safe" foods, ie there is an M&S chocolate mousse that does not contain gelatine (only one I've ever found!)

    Recipies for vegetarians in all walks of life, ie students who aren't so great at cooking, singles who only cook for one and don't want excess leftovers, I tend to find recipe books and websites far too complicated- I did a post here recently asking for simple recipe ideas and there were a lot of really simple suggestions that seemed obvious but I just hadn't thought of before.

    Send us the URL when it's done!

  • Mya
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A help centre to deal with unsupportive family friends or others some people are really harsh. Also good nutrition guidelines that help people meet protein vitamins and mineral needs.

    Dont try to turn people or push your views on others either after all its a choice and up to the individual.

    Good Luck would like to visit in the future.

    Yes Yes all types of recipes and meal plans

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sounds great. I agree proper nutrition needs to be fully explained for new vegetarians.

    Quick and easy to prepare meals would be handy as would the things to look for when buying food.

    A site like the one I have posted, would be handy for people who want to become vegetarian but are perhaps facing opposition from family or friends.

    Good luck with your site, keep us posted.

  • 1 decade ago

    What a great idea! You could include recipes,restaurant tips,eg; which will

    work with special diet needs, personal anecdotes on how easy/hard it

    is to be a veggie/vegan in this world and tips on new veggie products,

    organic products, and where to find them. Wow, you have your work cut

    out for you!

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