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What USA did in Iraq is worse than Hitler did to the Jews. Opinions?

The Lancet is one of the most respectable medical journals, published an article about the death tool in Iraq was nearly 655000 human lives lost. Even saddam the worst dictatorship in the middle east failed to acheive that. USA has destroyed Iraq and if it will be left with its hands free doing whatever it likes specially when it is run by a mad man, it will destroy the whole world. The world should unite to stop this dictator like they did with Hitler.


Hitler had -his-justifications to kill the Jews like Bush had his and both were wrong

If the Lancet (American journal), the independent...publish these figures, if thousands of western journalists writes everyday critisising Bush over the war and nobody claimed that they hate the west. This is the same excuses Nazis used against UK and the allies before WW2!!!

37 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    all of you who support bush burn in eternal hell

    you all created this chaos and mess in Iraq

    people are dying as you are arguing which war is the worst

    Sadam may was a dictator but he was in control and people lived safely not afraid of being blown into pieces ,

    Hitler was a lunatic i give you that who was responsible for massacres , but so is bush .

  • 1 decade ago

    No No No and finally Noooooo.

    Hitler systematically went about exterminating the jews in concentration camps.

    Ok the USA and the Uk invaded Iraq and in doing so many Iraqis have died but many of those have done so in combat and a huge number have done at the hands of other Iraqis.

    Every day, more are being killed, the bulk of which are by either or Iraqis or by other muslims. It's not the US troops who suicide bomb funerals where Iraqi families are trying to bury their dead is it.

    To compare the two is insane.

    The US attacked Iraq under the guise of protecting itself from terrorists. Whether this was true or not is up for debate but it is far different from Hitler who murdered jews because he thought they were sub humans and who invaded Russia because he had a pathological hatred of them and wanted their country for the nazis.

    The two are simply not comparable and anyone who says they are is an idiot.

    Edit: Just read some of the other responses and WTF.

    The Pen. You are a moron with a small brain.

    I cannot belive anyone thinks this view has any merit at all.

    At least most people have sense.

    You might not agree with the war in Iraq, I don't, but to compare the US led invasion with Hitlers extermination of the jews is so rediculous it beggers belief. Just because a lot of people have died does not make it comparable. Many of those people have died at the hands of other muslims. So if you compare Bush to Hitler then you must compare the islamic insurgents to the SS since they are the ones doing most of the killing.

    It's questions like this that really do make you question the intelligence of some people...

  • 1 decade ago

    If you add up

    1. All the support in weapons that the US gave to the Iraqi dictator to support him in the eighties

    2. The complete destruction of a modern wealthy oil rich nation (with free education, and well equiped health service that even the Americans would be jealous of) with more explosives than WW1 and WW2 put together in 1991

    3. The use of over 1000 tons radioactive DU weapons that disintigrate into fine dust with particles of about a few micrometers and a half life of over four billion years to continue causing cancers in the local population

    4. The brutal sanctions for a decade that resulted in the deaths of over half a million children in the first few years

    5. The destruction and invasion of a helpless nation in 2003 and to steal anything left of value and imprisonment, humiliation, rape and torture of tens of thousands of people including women and children

    then the answer is yes.

    Unfortunately, it was the zionist israelis who where the biggest supporters of this madness.

  • 1 decade ago

    Typical. Somebody on Yahoo who has not got a clue of what they are talking about. Hitler built death camps with gas chambers and did not just pick on the Jews. How can you compare Bush to Hitler. You need to do some reading about history and then come back and reword your question.

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  • One in 40 Iraqis have died since the US attacked Iraq in 2003. More are still dying and many more not reported. Even Bush's own men are dying at an amazingly rapid rate but the world is still supplying to North Korea supplies but instead Kim Jong Il is building nuclear warheads using the money. Maybe Bush is considering an option to partner with North Korea and China to gang up against all the Muslims in the world?

    Who knows, right?

  • 1 decade ago

    You mean the Saddam Hussain who was responsible for more than a million deaths during the Iran- Iraq war, not to mention the atrocities against his own people?

    You mean the Adolf Hitler who pulled the world into the bloodiest war in history, and on top of that exterminated without the slightest sign of human dignity 12 million civilians?

    I'm not denying the horrors of the war in Iraq, or trying to demean the lives lost in that conflict, or the terrible changes that this war is rending in American society, but please don't equivocate the Iraq War to the despicible acts of those madmen. You do a disservice to your arguement and to the victims of those crimes.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You asked my opinion,you will get it.You are an Idiot and the Lancet has made itself a hack publication with those words.The number has no basis it is fictitious.Any one who equates the U.S . with Nazi Germany is an utter moron and ignorant of any knowledge of history.

    2,398,343. What do you think of that number? That is the number of deaths in the U.S. last year alone.You and the Lancet look at the world with both eyes closed and swear the elephant is a tree.

  • 1 decade ago

    Removing Saddam was great; how the war has been ran is terrible.

    With that said, anyone who compares the USA to Nazi Germany and Bush to Hitler is not well-thought out, and is just a parrot, blinded by hatred for the U.S. and Western culture in general.

    It's not even close. Only a depraved mind could logically make that connection... If this was about Arab genocide, the U.S. would have conquered the Middle East a long time ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    The two cannot be compared different times different philosophies.

    The coalition in Iraq are their committing genocide for the economic benefit of multinational companies such as Haliburton, Arco, Bechtel etc and the Carlisle Group.

    But it all went wrong.

    Source(s): Watch Farenhieght 9/11
  • 1 decade ago

    How on earth could you compare the systematic slaughter-- let me rephrase that-- the EXTERMINATION of MILLIONS of Jews at the hands of Hitler,his army, the Gestapo, SS, and sympathizers to the sectarian violence in Iraq???? Not only did Hitler et al exterminate as many Jews as he could possibly get his hands on, he went after homosexuals, gypsies, innocent people who were of differing ethnic backgrounds, people he simply didn't like the looks of...the list goes on and on.

    Do you see US soldiers systematically gunning down innocent Iraqies in the streets of Baghdad? Or a secret US black ops team kidnapping thousands of civilians, carting them off for tortures and beheadings? Uh, no, because the deaths are a result of sectarian violence, heard of it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not agree with your opinion. Even "independent" journals can be slanted and opinionated. I believe that we must do all that we can to secure that area. Bush knows that adjustments might be necessary and seems to be agreeable with some sort of alternate strategy. As the events of 9/11 show, we can be vulnerable. I do not believe that was a secret cover-up job, either. People die when their are wars, it is grossly inaccurate to blame President Bush for all of those deaths.

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