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Has anyone traveled to Israel in the past month?

I am going to Israel in November for volunteer work and need advice. Travel advisories says it is dangerous and my peers think it is not a good idea. I would like some advice from someone who has actually been there.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Rebbecca,

    I was in Israel during the time of the last war. And I had a good time. (I was living beyond the reach of the Hizballa's rockets).

    As an Israeli living since more than 7 year in Europe, I can tell you that what you know about Israel is mostly distorted. Since your main information source is the news and since the news only shows the most horrible stuff (dead people), you get the impression that the only thing happening in Israel is death by terrorists.

    If I were to ask you before the 9/11/2001: "would you ever consider going to New York" - your answer would be probably: "Sure! Why not?!". And one day after the 9/11? Thousands of people were killed in those horrible terror attacks but people still visit NY and enjoy it. So Is NY unsafe? And what about England after the muslem terror attacks and the attempt to bomb airplains? What about Spanish trains, where many hundreds were killed of muslem terrorists bombs? And Germany where 2 Lebanese tried to explode two suitcases in train stations? Is the whole world unsafe?

    Some statistical facts: more people die in Israel of cancer or of road accidents than of terror attacks. So why are we more afraid of terror attacks? Since the news know they sell the best and so they show them more. Any what about New Yourk in the time before Giuliani made order in the citiy in the late 90s? How many people were dayly killed by gangs in that time? Many!

    I will not tell you: "go to Israel!". I will only tell to to make a reasonable decision. Consider the 6 million Israelis going every day to school and to work and returning safely home. I guess you never heard about them in the news... this is boring stuff...

    Another aspect is WHERE you want to go in Israel. I - as an Israeli - have nothing to look for in the occupied territories. By not going there I guess I reduce the risk by 99.9%.

    Terrorist want us to be afraid. By that logic the best thing to du would be to stay home and go no where. I believe in making logical decisions according to the data in hand. If you desire to go to Israel I promise you that you will enjoy your trip. Israelis are very open and informal people. The food (which mostly originates from Arab food) is one of the best foods in the world. And I know many Europeans thinking as I do.

    Any way - if you decide to go - don't miss the dead see! I first visited it when I was 23 and I didn't understand why I waited so long for it. I is truly an amazing place.

    Have fun and if you have any questions keep on writing them here! :-)

    Source(s): Personal experiance Giuliani:
  • 1 decade ago

    It best for you not to go there at all! Volunteer yourself for something else. Something more meaningful than to help those land-grabbing barbarians!

    Yes! Listen to your advisories, it is dangerous. The "israelis" not only kill the so called "terrorists" but also civilians, journalists and maybe volunteer workers like yourself. Although all these reports were not reported by the CNN etc but thank God Al-Jazeerah media news has been leaking their nasty behaviours to the World.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    No i have not traveled to Palestine in the previous 6 months. i'd notwithstanding some day if issues settle down and that i do not worry walking in the streets with no need my brains blown out.

  • mickey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    hi! actually my boyfriend and I were in Israel for two weeks on September, we already miss it! during the war it wasn't dangerous (unless you were in the North) and it is not dangerous now!

    nobody there stop their life because it seems like something you should do in times like those - doing that would be giving a prize to those who want to harm them, isn't it?...

    Enjoy your time, are you going to a kibbutz or to fire station/MDA?


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  • 1 decade ago

    im here right now from the states and all i read about is ppl getting shot and raped from colorado up to iowa down to florida........israel is safer than the states. come on down

  • 1 decade ago

    go and help the palestinians that r being killed by the israelis systematically and no one cares

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have not been there, but have always wanted to go. I will pray for you to return safe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would you want to go there? At all? Ever? Boycott!

  • 1 decade ago

    volunteer work can be done elsewhere.

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