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icuski asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Dog seizure,about one a mo. what can I do?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Homeopaths say that if you put honey on the dog's gums during a seizure, it will shorten the time of the seizure.

    Do have the vet check to see if he can find out why the dog is having a seizure.

    One of my dogs has idiopathic seizures. She was having one a yr. As she got older, they increased. She was having 4 per yr. I stopped all vaccinations for this dog 3 1/2 yrs ago. She is now only having 2 seizures per yr and has the last couple of yrs.

    Read the Wisconsin Univer. weblinks

    Vaccinations are good for many years and they can cause seizures.

  • ......
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First take your dog to a vet for a chekup so they can find out if there is any known cause for the seizures. They may put him on medications if they feel the severity is high enough. Then try things like changing his diet, don't let him get overly excited. this can trigger a seizure. The diet is a very important part in an epileptic dog. .

    Depending on the breed of dog and the severity and occurrence of the seizure, there are home remedies that do work. There is nothing to give a dog while having a seizure, giving anything to a dog while it is having convulsions can casue them to choke. My Foxhound mix has had seizures since he was 1 year old, he is now nearly 8 yrs. He is aware of what is happening to him at the time and I just hold him until it is over.

    The dogs diet can be very important and trigger seizures. Try a strict diet for about 6 months. Buy a dog food that does not have poultry or beef products. I have fed both Purina Lamb & Rice and Nutro Natural Choice Lamb Meal & Rice. These are both great foods becuase they do not have any artifical coloring, preservatives or ground corn in them. You can also try adding Flaxseed to the dogs food. Flaxseed oil is easier to use then the seeds. You can only purchase Nutro at pet stores, feed stores, and most hardware stores. You can find all natural treats at pet stores if you feed them.

    If you take your dog to the vet, they will probaly only do blood work. If that comes back fine, the dog will most likely be diagnosed with Epilepsy, meaning there is no known cause. There is no way to tell what is causing the seizures unless you do further testing such as a brain scan, and that can cause a few thousand dollars.

    I currently have my dog on Phenobarbital to control the occurance of seizures,(been on it for 6 1/2 years). Before he was put on the medication he would have convulsions about every two weeks. He now has them about 5-6 times a year. Medications can cause liver damage in some dogs. This depends on the health, breed and dosage meds. It has never affected my dog.

    If your dog has only a few a year or one every couple months, I would defiently try a home remedy before medications, Meds don't always stop seizure completly they usually help reduce and control them. If they occur more often talk to your vet about medication. Medication is not that expensive either. The most expensive part of medication is the bloodwork that is required every six months. Depending on the vet, average cost is about $75.00. Use a pharmacy instead of the vet for the meds, they are much cheaper. Check out this site, I just found it. It has a lot of great info.

    Good luck with your dog.


  • 1 decade ago

    it is most likely an idiopathic seizure, (means they don't know), my JRT has them, they put him on Phenobarbitol, 2 times a day..and he has been seizure free for 6 months now. it is important to get you dog to the vet. if you are able to hold your dog while having the seizure, in front of a mirror, see if you can see it's gums..if they turn color, it may mean he is not getting a sufficiant blood supply to his brain. so take it to the vet. pheno is cheap, unlike other meds dogs can be put on..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hi, i had a calvalier king charels spaniel who was epileptic, he used to take seizures all the time., he was on medication from the vet , he took 2 a day that helped to control the fits. he still had them from time to time but on the medication.

    the best thing to do when your dog takes one is to pat your dog and tell him that everything is going to be fine and he is a good dog, make sure he doesnt bite his tounge ( r ur fingers). o

    if this persits, then take ur dog 2 the vet and they can prescribe drugs.

    my dog sam sadly passed away but he had the best life even with the fits.

    hope this helps


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Has he been seen by a vet? If not, take him right away. He should be able to give you some meds to help comtrol the seizures.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are medications your vet can prescribe that will help to stop the seizures.

    I had a dog that had them all the time and it's heartbreaking.

    Calling your vet is the best option.

  • 1 decade ago

    talk to your vet there is medication they can be put on to reduce the amount of seizures they have

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