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mark g
Lv 6
mark g asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Loss of civil liberties?

I'm curious, I hear people on Yahoo Answers complaining all the time about how thier Civil Liberties are being taken away, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights are being scrapped. Someone please explain exactly what freedoms anyone has lost in America. I can still go where I want, when I want, do what I want, say what I want, protest if I want, and carry a gun legally everywhere but in New York (carry concealed permit, and check out N. Y. crime stats) I'm an Independent voter and I'm going crazy trying to figure out what rights anyone has lost! Being a American History major I believe that more people have more civil rights in America than ever before in its history. Where am I wrong?


Charlooch- Cute statement, but you still didn't name any freedoms you lost.

Update 2:

Lonnie P- Even tho I would also like to se more Independent thinkers that are not attached to a preconcieved party line, I am talking about actual rights lost not the potential of that happening. The potential for abuse is there in almost every act of Congress and every law passed

Update 3:

phoxee200- That legislation deals with the treatment of Americas enemies during war or committing acts of terrorism, not american citizens right to a fair trial or legal representation.

Update 4:

Hades- I still communicate freely look at history and see how many times in history spies and traitors have been caught by intercepting their communications. Start with Benedict Arnold ( he was an American). Piss on what the international community says. Their knowledge of America is as bad as ours is of theirs

Update 5:

People accused of spyiong have always been held in this manner in America (see WWII) and the Media has always been about ratings not accuracy

Update 6:

Freeinqui.. Yahoo is a public venue not private. Never were protected from your actions in public

As for the job apps- they have been asking that for 50 years, so your losing nothing new there

Protester's have been removed from every President in history, if they get to close or to loud. They were frequently removed from Bill Clinotns speech's after the Monica affair, nothing new

40 Years ago ALL schools taught the Biblical story of creation. It took alot of court fights to get the theory of evolution into the schools.

As for the Cameras that are everywhere I must admit that they didn't have that technology then so it is hard to compare. As for everywhere, if you move out of most of the majopr city's, presto no cameras. And when did the bill of rights protect your privacy in public?

Update 7:

Spire- The Government did that by the thousands in WWII without needing approval from the high court. Someone name a new loss of liberty please

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right, Can you believe some of the Answers to your questions? complaining about security at airports? yea it ruins my day to have to remove my shoe's for a few at the airport(sarcasm) I don't care if my government needs to listen to my phone calls, Hope Their not put to sleep(sarcasm) It seems to me the only Americans losing rights are the 4th graders who have to smile a false smile while they have the gay lifestyle pushed down their little throats. I saw that military recruiters are denied free speech at some universities. I can't say spearchucker anymore without getting called a racist(even if talking about early hunting groups in Africa.(just a point about how fast a person can be called a racist these days)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For starters, if you are accused of a crime, Yahoo will gladly turn over everything you've posted here.

    If you make an overseas call, it will almost certainly be monitored by the NSA.

    If you try to protest Bush at a campaign rally, you will be forcibly removed by Secret Service agents

    If you apply for a U.S. government-funded job, you may be asked your religious affiliation

    In some states, your children will be forced to learn the Biblical story of creation in their science classes

    Virtually EVERYWHERE you walk in America is now covered by some sort of a security camera, which is most likely justified in the name of the "War on Terror."

    need more?

  • 1 decade ago

    Check out the potential for governmental abuses in the Patriot Act. It has been said that 'that will never happen.' Personally, I'm not so sure. With illegal wiretaps going on (just because a person has nothing to hide doesn't make it right), who knows what else our elected officials are up to.

    Not to mention GCA '68 and other instances that I will post later (been up since 0700 10/17 -- I'm a little tired; it's now 0216 10/18).

    Time for us Independents to convince the 'Party Lemmings' to vote with us and get rid of these mongrels, Dem and Rep alike. Believe me, I'm trying.

    Actual rights? The Nazis didn't start by taking 'actual rights,' either, but if you want it here it is -- GCA '68. This has led to many innocent people being jailed on trumped-up weapons charges. The illegal wiretapping has led to invasion of privacy that is protected Constitutionally; i.e., loss of rights.

    And let's take a look at the so-called 'Patriot Act.' How many items are we BANNED from taking on airliners? If it were a true patriot act, we would be REQUIRED to carry knives with 6-8" blades. Being Joe Cameljockey, I wouldn't even dream of hijacking a plane with everyone armed. With this you would have safety, not in banning people from protecting themselves. In my opinion, the brave folks of Flight 90 died in vain due to this moronic law. Also consider, if only one person is wronfully imprisoned, a precedence has been set and EVERYONE is in danger. If you really are a history major, you need to do some more digging, friend. You are treading a slippery slope.

  • schrum
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    uncertain how sympathetic they have been in the previous, yet i do no longer think of they like western rules now. It would not look many human beings see the shortcoming of civil liberties as a victory for Osama, which it is. He has been waiting to realize very lots for the attempt invested, if the story is incredibly actual. it may be exciting to comprehend how issues could be if we had accomplished no longer something different than to make stronger our border and air protection and had no longer taken action in any respect in the mid-east. i think of we would be safer and extra economically wealthy if we hadn't taken Osama's or whoever's bait. It replaced into no longer something extra desirable than a trick performed against the gullible and vengeful people who dominate vote casting u.s.. they could do properly to endure in strategies the suggestion of the Godfather, "in no way hate your enemies, it interferes alongside with your judgment." Or the clever adult adult males Wilkes and Butler in "long gone with the Wind" who recommend the extra youthful and ignorant southerners to no longer get enthused approximately conflict--in ineffective.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Military Commissions Act of 2006 gives the US President the power to detain indefinitely anyone—US or foreign nationals, from within the US, and from abroad—it deems to have provided material support to anti-US hostilities, and even use secret and coerced evidence (i.e. through use of torture) to try detainees who will be held in secret US military prisons.

    If the US President believes you to be supporting anti-US hostilities, he can have you detained indefinitely.

    Our President has been given despotic power under our noses. Shouldn't we be scared?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They lost the idealistic ramblings of a nonexistent parallel universe. We have it made here. I don't care what anybody says. I would like to see a lot of people go just one day without hot water or fast food. We are so spoiled it's not even funny.

  • The one I know we lost is the one to engage in political speech - look at the McCain-Feingold "campaign finance reform" law.

    But most of the socialists/leftists on this board applaud that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have lost the right to communicate with other persons of private form.

    You have lost the right to be represented by an attorney if someone denounces you for terrorism.

    You have lost the right not to be manipulated by the mass media And I do not say it only, the international community says it.

    Already you do not live in the country of the freedoms friend.

    Certainly, if there is so much freedom...

    Where the communists are in your country?

    Is it that there is none?

    Have I to believe it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only freedom we've lost is the ability to shoot spies on sight, like it was back in WWII

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm free to do as I want as long as I take responsibility for my actions .

    the ones who complain , fear the responsibility , some would go so far as to give aid to our enemies .

    Not one can name an American who has been jailed without cause .

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