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how do i bring GOD back into my heart?

i still believe in HIM, however, with all that i have read and studied, coupled by my rational and logical reasoning, i have found it difficult to have faith in GOD again.

in essence i don't want GOD for the sake of religion's sake, but rather that feeling in your heart that you have when it's filled with faith.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just pray and ask Him back in, cliffy. He won't disappoint you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are a sniveling little milksop that cannot function on your own. There is no god. You want a god in your life so you can have the answers to everything because of your human arrogance instead of accepting the fact you will never have the anwers to everyhting. What you have in your heart is not going to change just because you think god is going to be in it. You are already wired a certain way and will behave in the manor your heart dictates. It takes years of conscious effort to change things within the heart. You are having the typical symptoms of a person brainwashed at an early age to believe in a god that doesn't exist. You were a sheep and are returning to the herd. This is what makes me sick of religion. Religion makes people guilt ridden, weak, fearful people unable to exercise freewill that the bible claims god gave you. Freewill would be the option to criticize god, to hate him, to not believe in him. As long as we live in an acceptable manor with many of the same guidelines as the bible and other religions I don't think any god invented or not would hold it against you if you live your life right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Faith is a substance, enthusiasm is an emotion, optimism is an attitude. Beleif becomes faith when the substance of action is taken, the exercising of choice. Faith and fear have the same definition, beleif in what has not yet been seen, with opposite results. Faith has positive results and brings life. fear has negative results and brings death. Since you believe in God, acting on that beleif is exercising your faith. If you want to renew your personal relationship with Him repent with true sorrow for turning away from Him. Ask Jesus to forgive you, for all your trespasses(name them to Jesus) and ask Jesus to interceed to the Father that He might change your heart and help you draw near to Him again. We all, as Christians, have a promise that God will never forsake us or leave us. The result of this promise is the Holy Spirit deposited in each of us. If you are sincere in your desire to turn back to God and do so He will fulfill your request and more.

    May His peace rest in your heart again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A true beleiver always has God in their heart, He never leaves us, it is us who are the cause of seperation by unrepented sin. Fortunatley, you have come to the relization that religion is not of God but of men. Just open yourself and tell Him everything that is in your heart, you will find that your mouth will begin to say many things that you had not considered before. He is always present within and outside of us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    read the bible and pray about it! spend a quiet day by yourself, just look around you, the beauty that is really in this world, the innocense of a small child, the sunset, the moon rise, all the true miracles of life god has given us.

  • 1 decade ago

    He hasn't left. Through His Grace and Mercy we are all saved. If you feel like He has left the Holy Spirit is already working on you pray and repent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Best thing you can do for your life is forget about the fairy tales. Accept yourself for who you are, look to yourself for guidance and decision making. Believing in fairy tales and the so-called bible will only make your life worse off.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Become child-like again and listen to some upbeat songs of praise.

    God Bless!

  • 1 decade ago

    Heb 10:16 "This is the covenant that I will make with them:'After those days,' says Yahweh,'I will put my laws in their heart, I will also write them on their mind;'"

  • He never left. Stop fighting God's Will, and you're done.

  • 1 decade ago

    GOD and religion are not the same thing. Pray to GOD and HE will answer you.

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