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Why is Pres. Bush suspending our constitutional rights when the terrorists are in the White House & Pentagon ?

Most all the evidence that is available to us, show that the WTC buildings were rigged with explosives. Our own government had motive as was well as an opportunity to do this crime. Here is the evidence, presented for your scrutiny.


The official government story is that the 9/11 attack was orchestrated by Al Qaeda, which is lead by Osama bin Laden. The proof our government provided was a video with Osama confessing to the crime. The problem with the video is that the person in the video does not look like Osama bin Laden: See picture.


There are many other factors that do not fit the official story. They include, secondary explosions that were seen, heard, reported, and recorded by firefighters, in and around the WTC buildings.

Here is a video clip showing a trail of explosions just before the destruction wave.

Molten, beyond red hot, "steel" was video recorded coming out of the South Tower just before it collapsed. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to turn steel to liquid.

A chemical analysis of the solidified molten iron,conducted by independent firms, yielded an explosive, called Thermite. Also found was a WTC core beam; most probably cut using the demolition cutting charge (Thermate). No core beams were left standing beyond a few feet high, for it to have been cut by an Iron Workers torch. Click on pic. to enlarge.


We also have a video recording, where owner Larry Silverstein, admits to demolishing WTC7.


There is also a problem with the Pentagon attack. Listen to this retired general, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole."


The New Conservatives (Neo-Cons), with the help of their friends, started planning the invasion of Iraq, shortly after Pres. Bush took office. Apparently, the plan would include the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq. Read it from their own PENAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.


Witnesses saw a work crew going into the WTC buildings with rolls of wire, supposedly for internet upgrades. Tenants were moved around while crews "upgraded" the cable systems. The Port Authority cut power to the building for a whole weekend, just prior to the attack; shutting down the entire security systems. Witnesses also heard crews operating heavy hammering equipment that left a gray cement like dust, in the building. This activity took place just weeks before the 911 attack: The Port Authority had released control of the buildings to Larry Silverstein, six weeks prior to the attack: He made $4 billion off of the attack.

See "9/11 Mysteries" video: Time = 1:03:55 through 1:07:00 and 1:19:55 through 1:24:09

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    while i don't doubt that there are aspects about 9/11 that the gov. is concealing, a full blown conspiracy theory is just not possible. there have been schematics about why the buildings collapsed, and why would the government let silverstein make so much money? why would they care about making him rich? too many people would have had to be involved to pull this off. and while the man in the bin laden video DOES look different (i remember thinking "who is that?" when i saw him later on, because he doesn't look the same) there could be countless reasons for this. many people who are hated use doubles for their own protection. i know all this "evidence" looks suspicious, but i really don't think the government was behind this. used it to their advantage, sure, but not behind it.

  • Curtis
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because Bush is an actor in the Film Actors Guild and he had to perform in front of Kim Jon ILL at his palace with many other actors right before the terrorists were going to detonate the bomb then Chenney and Condeleza broke in and rescued Bush and killed Kim and then Kim turned into a big cockroach and took off into space in his escape rocket.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is the funniest thing i ever heard. did bush cause the Hawaii earthquake? or the tsunami?

    actually i think he is responsible for old age.

    it is funny how you think Bush is an idiot but he can pull off the most complicated conspiracies and cover ups man can think up.

    ether way it could be worse it could be Kerry

  • 1 decade ago

    Kool-Aid drinker take off the foil hat. Your brain is fried.

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  • LeAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well said, Zak.

    The ramblings of still another Taliban sympathizer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey everyone,,,, its 'dale' from 'king of the hill'.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you run out of your medication again?

  • Zak
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I love looking at examples of liberal sophistication and nuance.


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