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Lv 4
? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Laxatives used for weight loss -- Safe??

I have a friend who I just learned is using laxatives as her method to lose weight - so far she's lost about 5 pounds, but I'm wondering if this is safe for her to do. I told her it wasn't, she says there's no reason it's not safe. I'm hoping to get some information to show her that it IS unsafe.... Anyone? Only educated answers please...

35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like an eating disorder Most weight loss is usually fluid-loss. Some who takes laxatives to control weight is only going to cause their body to lose fluid, which can be followed by periods of water retention and an appearance of bloating (causing the individual to want to lose more weight and use more laxatives).Pretty soon her hair will fall out, her skin will look like hell, and she'll be really unhealthy looking.

    Laxative abuse is a NIGHTMARE for both your body and your mind, and laxative abuse will NOT bring you THINNESS, in fact, abusing laxatives will eventually decrease both your precious metabolism as well as your entire digestive track and there is nothing beautiful about having bowel problems. Long-time laxative abusers will GAIN WEIGHT without an increase in calories (due to the metabolism damage as well as chronic painful constipation) and increase their chances of DEATH.

  • sepe
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Laxatives Used For Weight Loss

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Laxatives is actually controversial not in the sense that people have to have diarrhea to lose weight but that it may not even work. To gain weight your food goes through your intestines and the calories are absorbed with every movement they make. With a laxitive you are just flushing away waste faster. You would think at first that it's better than being bulimic right? Wrong, the food is already in your system when you take laxatives unlike vomiting, where you are making the food exit before it gets absorbed into your body (I'm not recommending vomitting). Also a side effect is, if you take medicines they won't have the same effect if you are taking laxatives to flush them out of your system. It's not safe, It's not very effective, I strongly recommend dieting and excercise.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're right, it is unsafe. It depends on what laxative she is using as to HOW unsafe, but if she's losing weight quickly its probably not a good sign... The stimulants in laxatives have a harsh effect that can damage your system over time. When my late grandpa was in his last months he was given large doses of strong laxatives (because he couldnt "go" on his own anymore) and it made him much sicker & my family believes it shortened his life. On a healthy person I'm not sure of ALL the effects... but its dangerous; she could get ulcers, her body could get dependent on the laxatives; she could become malnourished if she abuses them hard enough. Hope this helps.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No it isn't safe, and if you look it up with your search engine, you'll see that it goes along with eating disorders. Laxatives were never intended to be used this way. They are to be used for constipation, and nothing else. Our bodies have their own unique way of emptying the bowls. I knew a lady who was caught up with this and she looked awful and started to depend on them all the time. Look up "laxatives and weight loss" in your search engine. The bad thing about it is, that you'll also see articles that support this kind of thing too, it's pretty sad to see. By flushing your body this way, many nutrients get flushed out too, this is not natural to do this daily. I don't see how she stands it.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO. It is NOT safe to use laxatives to lose weight. It is possible to build up dependency on laxatives to stimulate bowel movements. The chemicals in most laxatives are not meant to be ingested on a regular basis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    extensive use of a laxative in any form is harmful to your body. Your body forgets how to respond to normal function and relies on the help of the laxative to do the job. Just eat plenty of fruit , nuts , and fiber daily. To loose weight has to be addressed wisely. ck with your dr. first. The way I did it was : I would prepare a plate of food for me at mealtime. Then I would remove 1/2 of each portion and place on another plate,cover and refrigerate,or freeze for use at another meal. It worked for me !

    Source(s): The main thing the Dr. told me to do was to drink 1/2 my weight in ounces of water per day. the more you eliminate liquid, the more you flush waste out. Made since to me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Most weight loss is fluid loss, and she can become severely dehydrated.

    It's incredibly hard on the system, and you can become addicted to laxatives (in that you have to use them to be able to defecate).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO that is not safe!!!! That is so dumb!!! That is what people with eating disorders do. It is a form of purging!!! Anorexics and Bulimics do that. It's help to rid the body of what goes in before it is properly digested. She won't be getting the proper nutrience out of what she eats. Next thing you know she will land herself in the hospital with bowel and stomach problems!!! IT IS JUST PLAIN STUPID!!!! If she wants to lose weight then maybe she should try diet and exercise!!

  • 5 years ago

    pick up a 5 or 10 pound weight at the gym and visualize that weight coming off holding the weight in your hands helps bring home just how heavy even 5 pounds of extra fat can be

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