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why is life so darn difficult?

no matter how hard you try there is always some one there to knock you down, and it does not matter where you are. How do all of you deal with this?

Please be nice, I am already sinking to about as low as I can stand emotionally right now.

Thank you all in advance.


Thank you all agin for your wonderful answers.

13 Answers

  • Biker
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sweetheart life is hard no question about it. I have always looked at it like this, That which does not kill us only makes us smarter.

    It simply means that we learn from things that cause pain and gain wisdom and strength from it as we grow. Then I also look at other people who are even worse off than I am and thank God for what I have. I know it is hard to do, but if you keep going you will see that things will get better. Stay strong and good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Life is difficult. That is very true. But there are many ways to look at the situations that occur in everyday life. Sure people will be there to "knock you down", but you get right back up, correct? You have to look at set backs in a different light. Be confident in your abilities. Know that you are trying you hardest and that's way more than most people do. Know that as long as you keep trying your hardest, at some point, doors will open for you and your life will get better. You have to let bad situations roll off your back. Don't dwell on them. Pick yourself right back up and try again.

    When I feel like everything is going wrong in my life, I ask myself what situations I truely have control over. The ones I do have control over, I make sure that I do the best I can to make everything turn out right. If there are things I can not control, I take the situation as it comes, knowing that what I'm doing and what I can control I am doing right.

    I firmly believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Look for the lesson in each situation, learn from it, and grow as a person.

    Keep you chin up! Things will get better. Never give up hope.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just happen to be an expert on this subject, lol. The way I see it is if they're trying to knock you down then you must be doing pretty good. That's the problem with being the king of the mountain, everyone wants to knock you down. Another way to say it is that if nobody is trying to take anything away from you, then you must not have anything they want. That would get me down. You should be proud that people think that highly of you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know how you feel, I went in for a simple interview today and if you read my profile like questions check out the questions, I feel the same way too, I often feel alien and I don't know how people are alwasy so happy and able to deal with eacother like its some secret clique or something. ITs all good though we probaly have purpose.

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  • Life is hard. There always seems to be something bad happening and something thing good. I think thats just the way it is. Try to focus on the good. I know its hard and somedays you just need to have a picnic in bed. Rent a few movies, order a pizza and relax.

  • roxy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have dealt on and off with this for 40 years. All of my pitfalls have taught me to become a stronger person. I have learned to focus on those who make me happy. My family and my best friend. I am nice to others but real cautious about what I say to them. Life is tough and it can really get you down. Keep your chin up high girlfriend. You have a friend here if you need one!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it has ben that way all of my life when i was younger i give it hell dont like it still but dont get mad anymore i know what go around and around it go back to them 1 day i have seen it happen

    it is funny when it dose

    everones has there up and down

    but it the one that try to take you down for what they do or say

    they try there hardest to take you down

    and if you see what they are doing dont let them hurt you or take you down

    i hope you understant what im trying to say my spelling is not to good

    stand with your head up an look them in the eye tell them to go to hell or tell them to go fu.. them self

    and that siad it all right there

  • 1 decade ago

    I live this life coz I have a purpose, My future wife, she's worth waking up ever morning too and living this life. Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    its not about how everyone eles is doing

    who is above you

    who is doing better than you

    its about what makes you happy

    what is there to fullfill your life

    its about bieng happy, not who is where or when,why, or how

  • 1 decade ago

    this is the life

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