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Am I the only one who feels this is a major injustice?

A young Virginia woman was sent from court today with a 30 day suspended sentence and a fine of $1394. She was charged with and convicted of a misdemeanor, i.e. filing a false report to the police. She was being tried for killing her unborn child (she has two more at home). She claims she was under alot of stress from the child's father and found out too late she was pregnant. She was full term, therefore couldn't legally have an abortion. She considered punching herself in the stomach or drinking bleach. Then, she got the idea to shoot herself and claim a man did it so she wouldn't be charged with murder. Hence, the false report. She lived, but the full term baby didn't. According to her attorney, there is no precedent in Virginia for such a crime, however, there is in Florida and Georgia. She is happy it's over so she can get on with her life. I'm terribly outraged. Am I wrong to feel this act was premeditated murder, considering the punching and the bleach?


I'm not altogether sure which forum this needs to posted in. It was in today's local newspaper.

Update 2:

The reporter also stated "she showed no emotion throughout the sentencing". That would have been my first clue if I were the judge.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No you aren't wrong for feeling the way you do. This was a heinous crime. Nothing about it is right.

    That is one sick mother. Her crime was trying to destroy a life and then blame it on "someone" other than herself. Police time was wasted searching for a culprit when it was her all the long. I wish she had gone to prison for what she did. It seems that not only in the US but in other countries a life isn't valuable until it is outside the womb however in some cases Like the Scot Peterson case he was charged for the destruction of his wife and unborn child.

    She got off too lightly and that goes to show how much more we need unified laws through all the states. That mother isn't any less guilty for what she did because she lives in a state who's laws are very lenient... I laugh at "so she can get on with her life" she'll never be able to live what she did down. If she is willing to kill one baby then I'd immediately take her other children away. If you cant feed them or take care of them give them up for adoption don't brutally kill them off!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No you are not wrong, you have every right to feel outrage. What this person did was premeditated murder. A suspended sentence and a $1394 fine is merely a slap on the wrist and a slap in the face to our justice system.

    However, what saddens me more than anything else is that this woman felt she had no other viable option.

    More so, why didn't the judge also require her to attend counseling, stress management therapy and require the state to check on the welfare of her two children for a certain period of time to ensure their safety as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She should have been charged with first degree murder. She could have had the child and given it up for adoption instead of killing it. The law needs to be changed. The baby didn't tell her to lay up and have unprotected sex so she should have been held completely responsible for his/her life. In time the woman will have to pay for her crime and she will suffer her decision and hell is her future.

  • 1 decade ago

    The whole situation is absolutely horrible and makes me nauseoud to even think about it. I don't understand it! That judge shouldn't even be on the stand. Yes she shot "herself" however she killed an innocent child in the process. The laws need to change and people need to be held accountable for their actions.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is premeditated murder, or at the very least criminal negligence. She is a very sick person who should be getting mandatory social and psychiatric help. God help her other two kids with a mother who thinks so little of life -hers and her kids'.

  • Karce
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That is outragous

    She should at least have been commited to an aslyum for mental evaluation IF NOTHING ELSE!

    But really, come on. What is wrong with the justice system?

  • 1 decade ago

    That is absolutely horrible.. shows how good our justice system is..-you are absolutely not wrong.. it is definitely premeditated murder

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