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Do you believe in psychics??

How can one I have never met describe my life exactly a it is. And that it is going to turn around in November?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't believe in psychics, but I believe in the ability to delude the chronically gullible into handing over their hard-earned money to hear what they want to hear.

  • pshdsa
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I believe they exist, and I know they are extremely skilled at pulling information from you. They don't know squat and that is readily proved in a double blind test. They read your physiognomy as they ask you general questions that apply to just about anyone: Tragedy, loss, whatever. Then according to what they read in your face, they narrow it down. Your face confirms which direction to go. There was a horse who could do math. A farmer simply asked the horse to add two numbers. In every case the horse would stomp the number of times of the answer. Neighbors were amazed at this mathematical horse. Experts came in and verified that when the farmer asked the horse to add 6 and 4, the horse would stomp ten times. The farmer gave no signals whatsoever. However, when someone else asked the horse to add some numbers, the horse did nothing. Only when the farmer asked the horse did the horse stamp the requisite number. They determined that unconsciously the farmer was giving the correct answer and the horse was picking it up somehow. Now beware of letting those psychics reach into your purse or wallet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only idiots and motombo believe in psychics.

    Read what dingoblue said and commit it to memory.

    As for "I'm Scared", more like "I'm Scary"...

    Is there anyone in the audience who's here about someone who's name is Ken. Carl. Starts with a "K" or hard "C" sound. Chris? Good. OK was Chris your father, brother, son, oh it's Christine your cousin but she was a tomboy and went by Chris, OK. Well now yes, she's here and she says it's OK, do you know what that might mean? Something about money? A house? A car? Someone's relationship? Oh of course she was against you getting married? Well she wants to know if you understand what she was trying to tell you. You do? OK that's good, we can move on.

    And since lemly and others still haven't got it - PSYCHICS ARE 100% FAKES. Learn it, accept it, live it. Move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Psychics are doing nothing more than:

    + drawing conclusions from the evidence at hand (your age, gender, clothing, speech patterns, body language, what you say)

    + making broad statements that apply to everyone, especially those that fit your profile (e.g. you are a teenager and have been rebelling against your parents)

    + flattering you (you are apt to believe good things said about you)

    + using trial and error (fishing for hits, adding details, repeat)

    There is a million dollar reward for anyone who can prove psychic abilities under controlled conditions. If there are real psychics why would they not claim the reward?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I believe they exist, but I don't believe they have a clue. The people that work this gig know how to get information from you & about you that you don't believe even when it's happening to you. Then they tell you what will impress you the most based on what they can tell about your personality, & the info you have unknowingly given them. There are many tricks to this game, & there are always weak-minded individuals willing to fall for them. Don't number yourself among them.

    Source(s): New York City Fraud squad; FBI investigative reports; friends in the con games - I've led a colorful life
  • 1 decade ago

    i do belive . the basis of this november stuff is not psychic. there is a majour planetery shift on the 27 of oct. this causes changes in the lives of many. than is all . visit nasa ' s web site . you can also predict the nov phenimon

  • Yes I do, facts are given to them by their spiritual guides who know all. I used to be skeptical until I realized I too have certain gifts that I can not explain but they exist. I have seen REAL illness in others (cancer, arthritis, vitamin deficiencies, etc.). The mind and spirit are things which we still know little about.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dont belive they exist !!!

    telepathy n clairvoyance like skills r described on some mothers love for her kid, they say there r some waves relation between mother n her kid, n those waves tells the mother abt her baby even if he is away from him, .....i belive in dreams which come true sometimes, it happend to me that wht i saw in dream cameout to be true after a year even though there was 0% chances of that incedence to happen but it came out that way . n i coudnt justify it, but it is rare i must say, n for a person to tell u abt ur future is impossible. no one has got such skills. they merely guess things.

  • JoJoBa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Do not believein them for what ever reason cause God hate people that contact familiar spirits. They can tell you most everything but cannot tell you how to get a million dollars. Also they want your money for profit and then again they can tell you so much, yet knows nothing about themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no, and if they did then you are REAL gullible. Ever watch the John Edward show? PURE CRAP. Hey I have some vacation property I want to sell you in South Dakota, its right on the beach

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