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hop0409 asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 decade ago

Have you ever given money to a homeless person?

This is for a school project. If you have ever given money, was the person male, female or you've give to both?


Thank you everyone for answering! This will really help my research. There really isn't a best answer to this...they were all good. I'll put it up for voting.

Thanks again!

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No I have never given money to a homeless person because I don't want them to use the money for perhaps drugs or alcohol. I have, however, taken a homeless woman and her child into a grocery store and bought them groceries they needed. I've done this a couple of times. Each time they were outside the grocery store asking for money, and I offered to take them shopping. I didn't limit the amount they could purchase. Each time the adult purchased healthy and basic choices such as hamburger, bread, milk, eggs, cereal, lunch meat, etc. I know they were very grateful and they also understood why I chose to do this instead of giving them cash. At the end of the day we both felt better about ourselves. Me because I was able to help someone in need, and them because they knew someone out there cares.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have in the past, but I am careful when I do. If they ask for spare change for food, I offer to take them to the nearest McDonald's or what ever is close, and buy them a meal. If they refuse, they don't get the money.

    On a few occasions, I have sat and watched late in the day some " homeless" person get done begging. Walk a block away, change out of rages and get into a less than two year old car and drive off. To some, its become a business. One man told me that on a busy intersection, you can rake in about 400 -600 bucks a day.

    I don't make that much money and I work for a living. Be careful when " giving out money". Somethings are not what they seem.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes some times...You never know when one of those people could be Jesus Christ testing you. My Brother showed me some thing one time though, we were walking in a parking lot one day and this man came up to us and was doing sign language to us. He showed us a paper that was written on, a message saying that he was trying to make some money so he could eat. That he was deaf. Well we gave him some change and he started to walk off. My Brother said ; You have to be careful with certain people Sis. I asked him why do you say? He said watch. He let the guy get a few feet away from us and my Brother whistled really loud and I was shocked! The deaf man actually turned around and looked at my Brother and me. My Brother told him to be careful who he was going to cheat because the next person might not be so kind...It's sad that there are some people who would do such awful things just to support their habits!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, fairly often, perhaps not often enough. I did some interviews with homeless men and found that most have some sort of income, usually disability or other social security income, but can not get a place to live or have enough emotional problems that they can not keep a place to live. Most of them buy food or a place to stay for a few nights with the money they are given.

    I stay away from the ones that look like crack addicts or have empty booze bottles at their feet. Fresh feces turns me off too.

    I don't see alot of homeless women. Mostly men it seems.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, only a few times and they were all male. I try to avoid giving out cash, but there are times when even though you know they are going to spend it on booze, or drugs you feel like sharing a little. I feel more comfortable giving out pocket change and not to people who panhandle on off ramps, there are also a few trailer parks next to busy intersections here in FL where you know they've come home from work and put on crappy clothes, grabbed a beer and a pack of smokes and come outside with a lawn chair and a crudely written sign to get a few more bucks. That in my opinion is just being a scam artist and hurts people who are truly in need, that sleep in alleys and under bridges.

  • 1 decade ago

    It had just started flurrying around Christmastime last year, and I had gone to Walmart early in the morning with my toddler. I had buckled my son in to his carseat and was puting my groceries and items in the car, when a man approached me (bout scared the p** outa me too). He just showed up out of nowhere and the snow was really coming. He asked if I had some change to spare so he could find a nice place to sit and have some coffee. I felt really awful for him on a day like that, but at the same time, I just wanted him to get away. I was a bit frightened, as he was RIGHT in my personal space. I quickly gave him what I could muster from change in my pocket and wished him well.

    I was really tempted to point my pepper spray at him, and probably should have. They dont have etiquette classes for the homeless, but if any of you is ever in need, please don't approach people that are in vulnerable situations like that, SHEESH! I was terrified he was going to rob me or kidnap my baby.

    I don't know if I did the right thing, but next time I probably wouldn't take that chance again, I would just warn the person I had pepper spray. I know it sounds awful, really.. but its better to be safe than sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do give to homeless and have given to both male or female; but I tend to see more homeless men than women

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I have given money to homeless persons; both.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't normally give money but I have taken them inside a fast food place and bought them something to eat. I will not give money for fear that they may by drug, alcohol, or cigarettes but I will buy them food and drinks. Once I purchased pizzas for a family of five. I feel really bad at times because I wish that I could do more to help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe so in this way. Mcdonalds Happy House funding, Burger Kings Education fund,

    Gave my granola bar to guy with sign at intersection asking for food with a God Bless You on it. With perfect spelling. Saw a truck hand in a twenty a week later.

    And I have given to Goodwill a few times nearing Christmas. Usually a guy in Santa Suit. Sometimes a woman. I just hate it when they ring that bell louder and harder.

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