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Is age but a "number" when it comes to relationships and love?

Is it bad for two people to be in love with each other when there is that age gap in between? When we say gap we mean in term of years not months.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes age is merely a number. The gap as you put it can be overcome with love. However be guarded against the differences that will be present because of the age difference. IE: Experience in life, education, taste of activities, taste in movies and music, politics etc. It's a never ending list of things that can have an impact on a relationship. Also keep in mind that the age gap can be a problem in the decision to have or not have children. As long as al these things are considered and you are both ready and willing move forward together... then nothing else matters. After al it's about love, isn't it?

    The key to meeting these differences head on is respect for each other...and always keeping communication open. So yes it is just a number and for some the number is to great, for others... it's meaningless. You have to decide where you stand on it after you consdier all the facts... Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think that age is just a number. Along with age comes wisdom and maturity. The younger you are the more that the age gap matters. Believe me. If you are 20 and he's 30. There are going to be some big issues. I'm not saying that 2 people with that big of an age difference can't love each other. It usually won't work out though. You will be at different points in your life for almost as long as you live.

  • 1 decade ago

    The whole issue of age and whether the gap is wrong or not all depends on what the two people in the relationship feel about it, if neither of you have a problem with it then go for it, if you love him and ha loves you then there should be no reason for anyone to be concerned with the age gap. If either of you is a little uneasy about the gap then maybe you should step back and rethink being together. It shouldn't matter what other people think, not even your family, because if your family loves you they would want you to be happy, and if you're happy in the relationship it shouldn't matter if he's older, younger, or the same age.

  • 1 decade ago

    It all depends on the two people involved. The bigger the gap, the more likely that there will be significant differences in your background and shared past experiences. That does not mean that you can't have a great relationship. It's just an issue that needs to be addressed. Many people have successfully spanned wide gaps in terms of age. Others have been thrown by even a minimal difference.

    Don't ignore the issue, but don't be afraid of it either. Take it head on and see how you feel on the other side.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with age gaps in a relationship. Unless you are like Anna Nicole Smith? Which I'm sure you are not. Love sees no age. If you love each other, the age factor should not matter to much. If it bothers you, than it is better not to pursue the relationship. Love should not feel uncomfortable. I know a couple who are 20 yrs apart, the man is older. But they are happy as clams. I personally feel that the man should be the older one. Or the women, if, no more than 10 yrs older. That is my personal feelings though, it does not have to be yours.

  • 1 decade ago

    I married a man who was 20 years older. I think I happened to have more in common with him than with males my age (for example: I never wanted kids, and most guys my age want to raise a family. My husband on the other hand, was already the father of 2 girls and vasectomized).

    ANYWAY be aware of course there are problems. The larger the gap the larger the problem. Did you know that separation and divorce rates between people with big age gaps is 7 times bigger than the average divorce rate? It is all for a reason.

    Neverthless, with respect and realism, it can work.

    Just cant expect things that wont be there, for example: a teen-like sexual performance on a man over 50 or a lot of maturity from a woman on early 20's, etc. Each age has its pros and cons and its charms.

  • Sean J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It depends on the ages. 18 and 25 is a huge difference in maturity, often times, and most people's lives change a lot between 18 and 25. The same goes for 14 and 16. But 20 and 30 or even 20 and 40 usually isn't such a big deal, in what I've noticed.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is up to the couple. My husband is 51 and I am 34. We have been happily married for 5 years this Thursday. I don't think age matters it is your interests that matter. If you like to do the same things and be around each other. My husband and I are inseperable when we are away from work. We don't even like to go to the store with out the other. The only time it can be a problem is if they have children who don't approve, but I was lucky his kids are 29 and 32 and they accepted me. If you are happy, GO FOR IT!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you've found someone that truly makes you happy, then age is only a number and nothing more. Many relationships have, or are still, working out, despite an age gap.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on the two people involved. If they are both adults then the age difference shouldn't matter. My wife is 15 yrs older than me and we have a great relationship. But we have alot in common. We are both well traveled and have many things we enjoy doing together. If the 2 people involved share common goals and interests then age doesn't matter.

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