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Abularaby asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Is the British Media adding oil on fire?

Each day in most -read-newspapers in the UK, Islam and Muslims are targeted and labelled as terrorists, criminals, retarded..etc The daily attacks of Muslims might encourage some racist groups t attack Muslims as well.

These are the lates news:

Muslim family shot at in west London

A Muslim family of four were shot at when their car was hit by a bullet while out shopping in west London, The Muslim News reports exclusively in this week’s issue of the paper.

The incident, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the latest wave of Islamophobia attacks in the UK, took place, when the family from Bosnia were loading items in their car at Denham Car Boot Sale, near Uxbridge.

The local police described the shooting, which happened on October 14, as a racial and religious hate crime, but were unable to comment further.

The father of the family told The Muslim News that he was in the car at the time but that his wife and two infant children were standing outside.

“I was more concerned about the children. We adults might not die from a badly aimed bullet, but the children, it could easily have killed them,” the 45-year old father said.

“The older one was aware, he understood what happened,” he said expressing fears that they might suffer from trauma. His wife, he said, was also much shaken about the incident.

The father believed that the shot, which damaged the windscreen on the car, was fired from about 150 meters away. “Imagine how powerful the gun was,” he said.

A witness was reported to have seen two men, aged around 25 years, drive away in a silver coloured van after the shooting, while laughing.

The shooting comes amid a series of attacks, mainly against Muslim women, documented in The Muslim News, which have been blamed on House of Commons leader Jack Straw and other ministers making demands on Muslims, including the removal of the face veil.

In Liverpool, north-west England, a 49-year old Muslim woman had her niqab torn from her face. At least five other incidents relating to the veil also happened in London, in Canterbury, in the south east as well as in Straw’s Blackburn constituency in the north-west.

The Bosnian father also criticised Straw for provoking the shooting, saying that people like him “who incite religious hatred in people are also criminals.”

“You can see we are Muslims through our dress, and my wife was wearing the niqab. It is amazing how these people could have such monstrous minds and such hatred within,” he said.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My heart aches for Muslim people right now, yes the British media have a lot to answer for, they are whipping up hysteria that is unwarranted and unjustified and any consequential action should be laid at their door.

    Shame on them.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is happening all the time that people are being shot at. If the person is white they only get two lines saying accidental. If another race get shot at it is always a race crime, especially if the victims are muslims and there are pages virtually every day for about a fortnight of this same episode.You seem very biased as you did not mention the english woman who was verbally abused by a muslim woman for wearing a cross. These muslim women are asking for a lot of trouble by not trying to intrigate into British society. Believe me there is going to be an allmighty racial war in Britain, and the govornment is burying their heads in the sand, and are too scared to do something about it. It is not laws, but respect for each other, that will be the only thing to overcome this. The papers do try to hype things up a bit to sell their papers, but also reflect what a lot of people are thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the real fuel being added to the fire is every time a new group of terrorists, alleging themselves to be devot Muslims attack another group of innocent citizens, eg, subways, airlines, buildings, embassies, etc. Only after the world hears an outcry against these radicals by the Muslim community do I think it will improve.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No the Media , with the exception of the B B C, are telling it as it is , the Indigenous Population are totally Pissed of with the whinging Muslims and the Armies of scroungers , Spongers and Freeloaders that are invading and Infesting Our Country , those that don,t like the truth should Piss off to somewhere that suits them , the sooner the better. Abularaby , the questioner, seems to be pushing out the usual Whinging B U L L S H I T . obviouosly a candidate for a one way Ticket to the Land of the Terrorist Bombers and their Demented "Religious Leaders"

    Source(s): Hard fact of reality .
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's tough, if i was a muslim and treated like that i would go to a muslim country. Since we are on the subject of religious attacks you will be aware of the racial murder of a white youth in Glasgow by a group of muslim racists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are we forgetting the innocent lives that were lost in 7/7, and the fact that the Muslim community were FAR LESS vocal in coming forward in their condemnation of this murder committed in the name of Islam?

    Are we forgetting the disgraceful marches that followed in London where british muslims paraded placards inciting murder of British people??

    Are we forgetting the numerous Muslim clerics that spout their bile on the internet encouraging this stuff and laughing in the faces of the British people???

    Are we forgetting the numerous young British born muslims who are indoctored into these terrorism cells and the Muslim community does nothing to stop them, turns a blind eye and refuses to shop them to the police??

    It goes two ways. Yes, these incidents are terrible and should not be happening. But maybe the worm is turning? Everyone has a right to free speech in this country and that includes the British white middle classes who are finaly finding their voices and starting a debate.

    Source(s): My voice
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is the Muslim News part of the media you blame for reporting it? Or are they exempt? Is it acceptable in that newspaper and not in others? Dont get it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hate crimes exist everywhere

    Any human filled with hate or a pressing desire/need can justify to themselves a vicious act...Most people call them criminals or perhaps mental cases...

    The religious aspect is just media tripe...

    and you bought into it...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    people are fed up, nobody wanted this, only some terrorist with the backing of lots of Muslims

  • 1 decade ago

    Blase news doesn't sell papers in any country. That's why I generally lump them in the category of The Ministry of Disinformation. Hope ths helps.

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