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Turkey Basting?

We all know the Holidays are comming. Does anyone have a good turkey Baste recipe? And does anyone know the cook times for the different size turkeys? Or maybe where i can find the answers. Thanks in advance. Looking for simplicity as well.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is all you need to know.


  • 1 decade ago

    Turkey Baste


    1/2 cup butter, softened

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1 teaspoon poultry seasoning

    1 teaspoon sweet basil

    1 teaspoon thyme

    1/2 teaspoon sage

    Mix all ingredients together. Baste on turkey every 30 minutes after the first hour of cooking.

    Whether you are grilling or smoking a turkey, this baste keeps the meat moist, adds a delicious flavor, and helps brown the skin. Remember to begin basting about an hour after you start cooking.

  • 1 decade ago

    1/2 cup of apple jelly and 1/2 teaspoon of salt warmed in a small saucepan over low heat. Using a turkey baster, baste with this mixture for the last half an hour of cooking time.

    Cooking times and temps are usually listed on the wrapper for the bird, or in the sheets that come with the Reynold's Oven Bags that make clean up simple.

    For the simplest way to cook turkey, buy a Jenny O turkey that comes in its own cooking bag.

  • 1 decade ago

    The turkey should have a guide on it, if not a packaged turkey ask the butcher. As for basting, I've found that if you stuff the turkey with carrots, celery, onions, garlic and your favorite herbs, then cook it in one of the bags, it turns out fabulous. The juice that comes off the bird makes great gravy! As long as everything comes up to temp you can eat the veggies too. I sometimes blend them into the gravy in the mixer.

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  • kny390
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Get a turkey cooking bag, found in the grocery store either with the turkey's or with the plastic wrap. Follow the directions and the turkey turns out fine every time with no basting.

  • 1 decade ago

    On the foodnetwork website, I got a recipe from the Good Eats episode, "Romancing the Bird" You brine the turkey in a salt and broth solution, it doesn't sound good...but it leave the bird VERY moist, and flavorful. A lot of my friends who don't like turkey said they loved it.

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