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notyours asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How do i make my kitten use the litter box?

My cat had a kitten, who is now about 4 months old, and the kitten won't use the litter box. The box is kept cleaned but still she wants to use the bathroom behind a chair in the living room. I'm getting really frustrated with her. Please help

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can help your kitten to understand what is expected by placing her in the litter box after feeding. Kittens do not need a full-size litter box and might do better in a box with lower sides (about 1 inch).And then you can give some training for him,like this....

    Watch your kitten closely. When she begins nosing in corners or squatting, place her in the litter box. Gently scratch the kitten's front paws in the filler, so she begins to learn that this is the place to deposit and bury waste. If your kitten has an accident, wipe it up with a paper towel and place the paper towel in the litter box. Then place the kitten in the litter box and repeat the process of scratching with her front paws. Do not punish your cat for having an accident. This won't help her to learn to use the litter box, it will only teach her not to eliminate in front of you.

    When your kitten begins to understand, don't take her good behavior for granted. Continue to praise her for using the litter box.

  • 1 decade ago

    when the kitten uses anything but a litter box, immediately pick up the poo and put it AND her into the litter box. Eventually she will figure it out. This should have been dealt with 4 months ago. When my cat had a litter, I made sure that they were being introduced to the litter box every day once they started walking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You cannot make a cat use the litter box but try this scoop the poop from behind the chair and put it in the litter box. The cat might sniff it out and use it the next time

  • 1 decade ago

    Block off the area behind the chair so she can't get to it. Then, keep a close watch on her and whenever she's about to go, toss her in the litter box. Also, when she does poo on the floor, put it in the litter box and put her in there too. (so she'll know where it's supposed to go)

    It's also a good idea to encourage her to explore her litter box even when she doesn't have to go. Just put her in every now and then, and she should start to scratch around. good luck!

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  • Jenna
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First, Try picking up his poop and putting it in the litter box. Then take him to the litter box so he will smell that and know that's where he needs to go.

    If that doesn't work then maybe change litters. The smell of the litter you are using may not be appealing to him.

    Most of the time, cats are naturally litter trained. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take her mother aside and tell her to get off the cat nip, clean up her act and teach her damn kid to use the potty or they will both be out on their ears...

    Time for momma kitty to step up X 4!

    BUT... If the momma kitty sees YOU as her mother. Then the burden as the dominant female cat in the house falls on you to do it.

    You have to watch... and when you see the kitty squatting to go, using no language what so ever (Because they don't) take the kitten up by the back of the neck (important... NOT mean) and take it to the litter box and plop her into it.

  • 1 decade ago

    kitten smell the pee where she did it before that is why.

    1) clean the pee off with bleach

    2) place the litter box near there bedding and lock them in a room for a day to force the habbit

    3) if you see them peeing just lift them up and drop them in the box. don't use litter box cover till they are using the litter box.

    good luck

  • Hi there, put precious kitty her litter box and grab her 2 front paws with your hands and do a scapping motion like she would do if she was using it herself. Everytime you catch her going to the toilet somewhere she shouldnt put her in the litter try and do the scrapping thing and hopefully she will catch on. When she has got it dont move the litter tray, if you keep moving the tray around to different places she will keep going back to where ever it was and do her buisness there. Good luck. It is very frustrating, but persistance will pay off.

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Take a poop and put it IN the litter box then move the box tothe spot they like to go.

    Put the cat in (take the lid off if it has oen) and hold the kitten and stroke your finger over the anus and ureter lightly. This simulates how a momma cat shoud do it, it stimulates the areas (like how hearing running water makes you wanna pee). Move the box slowly over time to where you want it to go forever.

    It might take a few tims if your kitty is especially dim... but this is the best way i now of and it's worked for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    You would need to show her the litter box, she might use it, but if she doesn't, try putting the cat remains in the litter box.

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