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What are your views and beliefs on abortions?

I'm just wondering how people feel about this issue. Why do you feell that way and what are your reasons? I'm not looking for someone to conivnce me one way or another--I'm set in the way that I feel and my beliefs on it. Just want to know how others feel about it.


I dont understand how a woman can separate every feeling and emotional tie they have to the child that is growning inside them.

Cjhophop-It's up to the woman if she wants the baby? What sbout the father? Does he have a say so? I believe he has just as much right as the mother! Your right if You don't WANT a child then don't get pregnant (then you won't have to worry about bring the child into the world) but don't teminate it when you didn't use enought protection to prevent it and now fee it's an accident that shouldn't have happened-don't punish the child for it.

Sorry for anyone out there that has had an abortion and now regrets it and is haunted because of it. And more power to those who do not yet regret it or have no remorse. God know you will need the power one day.

Update 2:

Michaluna-first and foremost, Like Isaid the the origianl question, I am just wondering what other people think and feel about the issue. It's a widly controversal topic. It's not wrong in wanting to hear other peoples view. And no, I'm not needing 'quotes' for a term paper. None of these would even be considered a quote for this topic. Had I needed a qoute for a term paper a would have specifically asked for qoutes on this subject. FYI: I'm graduated from school and well into my career. Plus if I were doing a term paper I wouldn't be doing my research on YahooAnswers!!! Laslty, I posted it in the pregnancy board because every abortion that happens the woman is pregnant! It's a decision that every PREGNANT woman must make: To abort or Not to abort. FYI #2: I posted the same question in another board (to get more viewpoints) and I got more than triple the responce in this board than the other. You answered it didn't you. So, does that answer YOUR questions?

Update 3:

Purdy, Judy f, facing evictin, mom to foster children, mel1731, zaidy, and butterfliesbrown..........good answers thank you! And tnr4eva181 good for your for standing up for what you believe in. And look now he's glad and looking forward to it.

Update 4:

I'm not pregnant for all of you who wished me luck. I have not had an abortion. I have never been pregnant. But when that day comes I would never have an abortion.

There were lots of good responces. From every answer.

Thank you for all your views.

Update 5:

I'm sorry I left out a few others that I thought had really good answers.

penylane420, suspendor, and xxxxx you'll had really good answers too.

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the Death Penalty is a bit extreme for a baby who had no choice in being conceived. Especially since we don't generally punish the child for the parents' mistake. Your choice is made IN BED, not in an abortion clinic. Also, it is NOT YOUR BODY that gets ripped to shreds. It belongs to the child within you. And saying that it's just an unviable mass is about as true as saying an astronaut in space is unviable without HIS support system, so just kick him out of the shuttle without as space suit. A child's DNA is just as complete when he is discovered as when he's 21 years old. All that is needed is food and shelter, just like YOU.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that abortion is just like being a killer or a criminal. Why some people believe that they have the power to take away a innocent baby 's life. I believe that only God decides when is someones time to go and people that are having these abortion are trying to be God by taking a life, In this world there are consequence for those that commit any type of crime, like killing a person. What is the difference between a convict that had killed a 2 year old and is sent to jail to reflect on what he has done and a person that has an abortion done. Everything we do in this world will bring consequences to our life's.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think abortion should be a womans choice. I think it is too bad that it has to be an option when we have birth control, but unfortunatly a lot of people are not responsible. A lot of people think it is murder, but imagine being a child born into a family who really didn't want you! I think that would be terrible. Not to mention there are a lot of women who (if forced to carry a baby they didn't want) would still drink and do other things that would harm the baby. I know adoption is an option, but if you haven't been faced with an unwanted pregnancy it is hard to judge, and tell them that they should do something. I have respect for anyone who makes any of the three decisions, as they are equally hard on different levels!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I could never ever ever do that. I strongly disagree with it. However, just because its not the right thing for me, that doesnt mean that it is not right for someone else. I had a very close friend that got pregnant about 3 months after I did, and though I tried to talk her out of doing it at the time, she went through with it, and I was totally supportive of her. I now realize, 2 years later, that it was probably in the best interest of that baby for her to do what she did. She is still not in any shape to be a parent. To each his own I guess. Just because something is not right for one person, doesn't meant that it is wrong for everyone. It depends on your situation.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had an abortion in l973 and still feel more than bad about

    it. Think about it, that baby could have lived to be 90 years

    old and had a great life. It could have helped you with your

    life; if you couldn't raise it, there are a lot of great childless

    couples who will adopt and even pay your expenses. I

    found out I was carrying twins after the abortion too, and I

    am a twin so I am always haunted by that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think abortion is wrong as a form of birth control. If you are permiscuous and get pregnant by accident, that's a bad reason for an abortion. If you are not capable of raising a child, get on birth control and use condoms, or just don't have sex at all. I think that if a woman is raped and gets pregnant, then it's ok to have an abortion. But one way or another, abortion is murder. Anyone who has ever carried a child in their body and felt it move around, and anyone who is raising a child will tell you that killing that precious little life inside you is a horrible thing to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am pro-choice, I personally couldn't do it but it can be the right choice for some people in some circumstances. BUT abortion should not be used as a method of birth control (people not using b.c. or condoms continuisly and getting pg multiple times only to have an abotion) I can definitely understand abortions in the case of rape, or if the mother's health is at risk.

    ETA: I don't see why so many people feel it's their business to tell other people what to do or what they should do, what's right and wrong, everyone has different beliefs. Why do people care so much what others do?

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that it's the woman's choice...with that choice comes a huge responsibility. You Have to be 100% certain that you are doing for the right reasons {not as a form of birth control:meaning as a substitution for condoms,the pill, diaphragm etc..}and you have to know yourself and how you will tolerate everything that happens.Are you strong enough to walk through a crowd/gang of Pro-Life activists and stand tall? Be able to deal with the feelings of guilt, anger and remorse? Remember it's an extremely hormonal time {before and after}.Good question...very debatable....very volatile.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It all depends, If u are not ready for a child and you are in school or college, young then i'd get an abortion. If u are finacially secure, and are able to care for a child...have the baby. it's each person's decision depending on the situation.

    But it's important that you are a responsible woman and you make sure you don't get pregnant by having safe sex.

  • bonker
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    <<Anti-abortion perspectives and severe ideals? I commonly pay attention anti-abortion proponents talk of the "sanctity of existence", and the way existence begins at belief.>> Let's me begin via announcing simply being anti-abortion does no longer represent severe ideals. <<Why do many of those identical humans condone the morning after capsule for rape or incest sufferers? If this "sanctified" existence starts at belief, how are you able to probably make a record of applicable instances for "homicide"?>> Some of those humans "get it", however then they are no longer getting "it all". It's convenient to have an understanding of why abortion-on-call for is morally mistaken. Still, having Faith within the excellent that abortions are morally mistaken irrespective of the instances can also be complex for a few to receive. Not for me, brain you. You're proper regardless that. Life starts at belief. Since the unborn don't seem to be dependable for the instances surrounding their belief, it is mistaken to consider abortion is mistaken in a few instances, however ok in others. <<I'll remark on something first ~ incest does no longer always result in deadly and even extreme defects. Furthermore, incest used to be required a couple of occasions within the Old Testament, so it can not be a legitimate excuse for "homicide".>> Whatever the OT allowed - out of necessity - the NT forbids incest. It additionally forbids the abortion of a person even within the occasion of incest. <<The humans this used to be directed in the direction of didn't reply. What will have to I take that to intend?>> Didn't they? I'm anti-abortion around the board.

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