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Thoughts on the Ten Commandments?

If you are for the Ten Commandments should be displayed in courthouses and other public places, what are your thoughts on the death penalty?


Sorry for the miswording.

Update 2:

Thou Shall Not Kill. What is so hard to understand?

And if you say it is justified, isn't that just revenge and isn't revenge a deadly sin?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i dont want to see the ten all over the place. i dont need someone to tell me how to be i make my own choices as i am my own person. i guess i follow them, but that's because of who i am.

    i govern myself and will not be threatened into being a good person.

    on the death penalty:

    "an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind"


    it seems we are blind then.

    Source(s): hell is a state of being
  • kb9kbu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, they should be displayed, Thou shall not steal, ect. The ten commanments out of the Bible, from the book of Exodus, chapter 20.

    If people don't want to look at or read them, who says they have to? They can just walk on by, Nobody has the right to hold them down and make them read the Ten Commandments. It is true that some people need to read them & study them.

    As far as the death penality, how serious is the crime? Was a candy bar stolen?... Big deal, a stern warning. What about a bank being robbed? If talking murder, then the death penalty, let the punishment fit the crime.

    Source(s): Have a good friend who's our town cop
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Nowhere in Scripture does it say the ten commandments have anything to do with morality or even Christian morality. Nowhere is it written this is the "supreme of God's laws for mankind." In fact, the ten commandments were the core of the old covenant between the two parties, God and the Israelites. They NEVER applied to all mankind. Regardless, there are the Two Great Commandments that Jesus talks about which are about having total love for God and fellow man. That is the basis of morality, if you are looking for it in Scripture and Christianity. So the only dent being made here is in your pre-conceived ideas, which are flawed. .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I personally don't care whether or not the Ten Commandments are displayed. The only thing I care about is the authority of government officials to do what they want to do and I care about what is or is not a correct interpretation of the Constitution. If popularly elected government officials want to display the Ten Cs or put the words "In God We Trust" on anything, or hire chaplains to lead prayer, or yadayadayada -- let them. Stop whining. The people who file lawsuits because they can't stand to see the Ten Cs or the word "God" or they can't stand to hear any prayers spoken out loud ................. those are the people who are intolerant.

    And I support the death penalty. "Thou shalt not kill," is a broad generality. The word "kill" means to cause someone else's death. If a man is holding a gun at someone else's head and is just itching to pull the trigger, am I not entitled to kill that man in order to save a life? The law (man-made law) recognizes that justifiable homocides are not to be punished. The law (man-made law) recognizes that execution, consistent with due process of law, is not the same thing as "murder."

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  • 1 decade ago

    By default I should be against it coz it is written you should not murder anyone and in fact I do not support the death penalty. There were too many court mistakes and wrong people were sentenced to death, but when we consider how cold blooded and cruel are serial killers than one starts to deliberate whether not killing such a person is a good thing. After all in Old Testament revenge killing was quite popular

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm all for the Ten Commandments being posted in EVERY building. But I really wish they would get the translation correct. That commandment should be thou shalt not murder. But then people with COMMON SENSE already know that is what it means. And my opinion is if you MURDER someone and are convicted in a court of law of the offence forfiture of your life should be the fine. After all you did take their life. An execution of a CONVICTED murderer is lawful and NOT murder.

    Get a life-- This is not Utopia. If it were there would be no need for the death penalty because they would be no reason for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a Christian. I don't think we need to display the 10 commandments everywhere because everybody knows in their hearts what's right and wrong. But if a certain town wants to display them and that's what the town voted for, I think they should have the right to display them. This is supposed to be a free country. All the sex and gore on TV offends me yet they don't do anything about that. As far as the death penalty goes, who are we to take a life. Only God should do that because what if the person repented and God forgave them and we killed them as in the case of Tanya Fae Tucker or whatever her name was there in Texas. She did a terrible crime when she was high on drugs as a teenager, got saved in jail and spent the rest of her life on death row. Then we fried her. Shame on us.

  • 1 decade ago

    In general I've found if you stick to all ten, your life goes a lot easier.... I'm ok with the displays. Our laws have their basis in the Commandments.

    Death Penalty? Ok with me. To get it, you have to earn it. Wish we Replaced WWE with "The Running MAN" show. Like the movie that would be great TV......

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think the Ten Commandments should be displayed in a courthouse....I do believe in the death penalty for certain situations. Some f***ers need to suffer, though....not die instantly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't display the ten Commandments, as it then becomes another thing on the wall.

    I am not fully for the Death Penalty, but some crimes are so heinous, it merits the punishment

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Ten Commandments have no place in any public building. And I am against the death penalty for moral and economic reasons.

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