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I know that real (Goldwater) republicans are out there, are you voting neocons out this year?

I'm a Goldwater Liberal!


Republicanmom- To call yourself conservative while siding

with the Bush Admin. is the true OXYMORON,

unless you are on oxycontin!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Man, have I been waiting to hear from you for the last 6 years! Unfortunately it is really hard to get rid of neo cons in Washington because they are never directly elected they just leach on to whatever party is in power and then behind the scenes they do they're dirty work with a lot of help from their think tanks & lobbying groups like the AEI, PNAC, JINSA, AIPAC, and the Most powerful Neo Con outlet: FOX NEWS.

    The only reason so called Republicans vote for Neo Cons ideas is because they know that the Neo Cons (especilly since 9/11) can ruin their political careers and this goes for Democrats as well. Sen. Chuck Hagel and a few other traditional Republicans still follow Goldwaters true Republican philosophy (something that Pres. Reagan did for the most part as well) but the only way to get rid of Neo Con control is point out to the American people who they are (like Wolowitz & R. Perle) and show them that it was their ideas/plans that doomed the US to failure in Iraq & US foreign policy since 1995. That would destroy all Neo Con credibility and thus an end to Neo Cons.

    God Bless you for asking your question. If only the US public knew the incredible damage the Neo Cons have done to America and will take decades to fix.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your assertion is an oxymoron. Goldwater was not a liberal - despite what Hillary and Helen Thomas say on HBO.

  • 5 years ago

    I accredited the truth that McCain was once a hawk. He was once mild on so much different matters and we no less than understood him. With Romney you certainly not knew what he was once. But I nonetheless voted for him within the major, considering the fact that he was once the sanest man at the poll. Remember Bush was once anti-struggle till nine-eleven and Obama obtained a Peace Prize.

  • 1 decade ago

    Regarding the election, I'm just writing my name in on all the ballots. I'm a republicrat, I believe in elements from both sides, and I sure as hell am not one of those contemptable neo-cons.

    Vote for republicrat! Or support your local indie candidate, no matter how crazy they are!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely NOT! Because what will we get???


  • 1 decade ago


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