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Do you have a Yahoo!360º page? Why? or Why not?

If yes, what is/are the purpose(s) of your page? Ex. to entertain, to interact with old friends, to meet and interact with new people, to create a new persona, etc.

If no, what is/are your reason(s) for not having one?

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do.

    I use it mainly like an online diary, but it's also a good place to share photos and things like that with overseas friends you don't get to see often.

    Plus, it's a creative endeavour and it's fun - it can be anything you want it to be, and used for anything you want to use it for.

  • Yes, I do have a 360 page! I started using it for Yahoo Answers, in order to upload pics for my avatars (I like to change it along with my name). Then hockey season started, so I decided to actually start using it so that maybe I could find a few hockey chat friends!

    There is also the fact that I have convinced a few of my friends and family to join Y!A and/or get a 360 page so we could communicate even though we are separated by hundreds of miles!

    The fact that I have met some new and interesting people is only a bonus of my original intent.

    As far as creating a new! Quite the opposite is true! I am always true to who I am no matter where I go or what I do, but my 360 page gives me the opportunity to express myself as a whole, not in the segments that different aspects of our lives tend to dictate. I am no different on my page than I am in person so if that alone makes me just a little bit happier, then it is priceless! Even if it only matters to me... it makes me a better person, which then will reflect upon everyone I come in contact with in my "real life" or online. I understand that this is the internet, but I believe that I should conduct myself, here, the same way as I would in society!

    I like to think of it as a conversation with myself, where I get to pick the mood and subject! And, as I've already stated....everything else is just a bonus!!

  • ax2usn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I have a 360 page .. and a website.

    The primary purpose of my page is to allow others to understand who I am, why I think the way I do and my qualifications for answering their question. The questions I answer are generally spiritual in nature or to provide guidance or assistance.

    When a person sees my page, they will notice that my blast is 'Come, and let us reason together.' If I can help folks THINK and reason, then the purpose of the page is met.

    It is also a chance to testify to the saving grace of Jesus Christ ... faith is the foundation of everything that I do .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a page and the sole purpose of me making it was to keep in touch with friends and family....I dont put to much info that I dont want to share on there but there is pictures, some info and also pics of my friends...I like my 360 and dont see no other purpose of having a myspace since I have my 360.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, I have found that I really don't want people seeing pictures of me or having access to my personal information. The people that add you as friends (moreso with MySpace and other sites) barely know you, and I wouldn't ever consider someone I speak too rarely online as a friend. I can barely keep in touch and spend time with the friends I have now, who needs 200 online friends that you barely know. I like not having to mess with online profiles, chatting, or any of the other crap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do, but it is so plain compared to others. Mine is basically to put some pics up to let people know who they are talking to. I don't spend any time on it, however, because I have myspace and I'd rather work on that page since I understand how to play around on it. I don't really get 360. It doesn't give you that many options either....

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not have one as I am still struggling with trying to get an avatar and I would love to have a decent 360 page but but am a little computer illiterate when it comes to pasting photos and so on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I have one,more or less to communicate with family.It also allows me to share things that I find interesting or post stuff I recall from my younger days.It's just a great way too express yourself! Maybe I'll make a new friend,haven't yet,but there is always tomorrow. LOL

  • Donna
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    yes I have one. I talk to old friends and make new ones. If I happen to entertain a few people then that is good to.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have one because I want to meet and interact with new people.

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