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Lv 4
Star asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do you think terrorist dislike Republicans, Liberals or Democrats more?

Which party do you think sticks its nose in other countries personal buissness more?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To answer your second question first, the Republicans love to order about the "morals" of other people, that is obvious. Too bad they aren't showing they have the integrity to do that anymore, the cover has been blown off that b.s. and I can't say I'm sorry to see it.

    The terrorists? They hate all Americans. It is immaterial to them who sits in the White House. They aren't going to stop planning the West's demise simply because a Republican or Democrat sits in that chair or runs the House or Senate. I think they've been loving George Bush though. He gave them the perfect opportunity to come right into Iraq and set up camp. They may have not been there when we invaded, but the place is lousy with them now. What a mess the next President has got to clean up, the scope is almost overwhelming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The terrorists don't really care. They have complete control of all parties.

    The real terrorists, or at least the bosses, are the Illuminati which controls most governments.

    Most terrorism is conducted by the secret services, primarily CIA/MI6/Mossad/ISI, who between them are responsible for 9/11, 7/7, Madrid train bombing, Bali bombing, Mumbai train bombing, Lockerbie air disaster, and loads more.

    What the war on terrorism is all about is to keep the people frightened enough so that they give up their freedoms in exchange for ill-perceived security.

    The idea of terrorism is to promote the agenda of the Illuminati/New World Order, who control the governments, and their secret services. That agenda is to take control of the entire world, remove over half the population, and reduce the freedoms of the remainder to the levels of slavery.

    An Illuminati Primer


    The Architecture of Modern Political Power

  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorists hate us all. They hate American's. The only time America sticks it's nose in , is when some country is mass killing and treating the citizens bad. Like starvation. Many Countries, are suffering from starvation. They call upon America to come help. The Red Cross helps and America sends ton's of supply to these ravaged countries. We don't stick our noses in, we are asked to help . Then when one country is divided, like in Iraq, it is the American's that try to establish Peace. That is the way it goes. Bite the hand that helps them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well lets look at the facts. While a democrat was in office they attacked outside of the USA but never inside the USA. One year after a Republican was elected president they attacked on American soil. Say what you want this is fact so I would have to conclude that the terrorists probably respect a democrat but dislike a republican

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure they like the Repugs more than Libs/Dems, because the Repugs are dancing to the terrorist tune by taking away civil liberties and all their bogus terrorist threat level BS whenever they want to distract the population. The Repugs, party of fear and hatred, are brothers of the terrorists. Terrorists like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    They don't like the American government, and both parties have stuck their nose where it didn't belong (let's face it, we had no business arming Iraq against Iran in the 1980s). I don't think they care if it's a republican or democratic administration.

  • 5 years ago

    you're neither. stay self reliant. Use your intelligence to verify what matters are maximum severe to you, and help whichever candidate maximum suitable helps those matters. no person candidate will ever agree a hundred% with your perspectives. while i replaced into 12 I have been given to "vote" at a polling place with my type (they did no longer count huge style our votes of direction). And my instructor defined the professionals and cons of each bill that we could vote on. I remember vote casting to make fowl scuffling with unlawful (because of the fact it relatively is merciless), vote casting to legalize scientific marijuana (because of the fact there must be organic techniques to drugs), and vote casting for the republican candidate for Governor (because of the fact of her conservative values). It replaced right into a exciting technique. today, the matters that i think of are maximum severe good now are ethical matters. reasonably-priced matters are important, yet fabric well being is in simple terms of fee if there is likewise non secular well being, so those are some matters I pay interest to maximum: Abortion: i've got self assurance abortion is homicide and should no longer be criminal Freedom of religion: i've got self assurance we've the perfect to coach our faith with out interference from the government. it relatively is not freedom FROM faith, yet freedom of religion. atmosphere: we would desire to guard the planet and not enable greed, money and corruption lead us to interrupt the organic components we've been given. kin values: i've got self assurance families ought to have the main impact on their little ones relatively than society or government. Republicans many times do greater effective in helping those issues than Democrats (different than atmosphere), so so you might assert that often i'm a conservative. It relatively comes right down to the guy candidate nevertheless and what values they carry. It additionally relies upon on what workplace they are working for and what the situation of that workplace is. I usually discover that for the enormous places of work (President, Governor and Congress, to illustrate) I vote Republican, and for smaller seats (State Senator, city Council, Mayor, and so on.) I usually vote Democrat. The place of those seats many times would not have plenty to do with social matters, yet they do tend to handle environmental matters.

  • Action
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Terrorists don't ask you to pull out your voter registration card. They just kill. Its as simple as that. To a terrorist, our flaw is that we exist. I would like to think the terrorists would leave us alone if we ignored them, but I just don't think that is the case.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are down on their knees praying for the Democrats, or even better, the liberals. The Republicans have taken the fight to them and will continue to do so. The Dems... well they don't call 'em the cut and run party for nothing!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They dislike America. Plain & simple.

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