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David . asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

Living in a 3rd world country for several months, now my gums are swelling, gum disease? What do I do?

My gums, especially my lower gumslook discolred and ive noticed are started to inflame and rise up my tooth line, whats going on? What can I do, I have limited access to dental care here.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    boil all the water you use

    even for brushing your teeth

    eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

    clean them well before eating

    see a dentist you sound like you have scurvy

  • 1 decade ago

    hi, I can understand both your concerns and the difficultiies you may have finding a qualified dentist depending on where you are and what kind of access you may have to transport etc.. I spent quite a bit of time in Chad, Central African Republic, Gabon, Sudan etc... It is difficult at time to maintain our customary level of oral hygiene in the field but it is af paramount importance to do so. I've spoken with a colleague of mine that trained in Brazil and have the following recomendations for you:

    1- Definately continue to brush after every meal and use treated water (chemically or boiled for at least 15 minutes).

    2 - Floss at least three times a day

    3 - If you have access to mouth wash use it. If not try to find some hydrogen peroxide (10%) and dilute with the treated water about a capful of H2O2 to a half cup of water and rinse thouroughly for about three minutes before spitting.

    4 - Ensure that your diet is providing you with sufficient levels of vitamin C (to prevent Scorbutus or scurvy)

    highly unlikely but without further information as to where exacly you are or how well you level of nutrition is we'll try to cover all the bases.

    If after a week of treatment you do not see (or feel) any improvement and/or if the situation does worsen you will need to seek professional help and may need medication to treat the ongoing infection.

    Best of luck to you and all those that you are helping wherever it is that you now find yourself.....

    Source(s): Dr. Selma Rodrigues-Lopes DDS, MSc
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You seem to be in some jungle of a third world country where you do not have access to products like Colgate, etc. Or you are not maitaining your oral hygiene as immaculately as one should. Salted luke warm water will help. Until you have access to the familiar foods, supplements and oral hygiene products, you would also do well to ask the knowledgeable local people/tribes what do they do for teeth cleaning. I am sure it would work like your first-aid.

  • 1 decade ago

    the most common cause of Gum disease is Bacteria and may be deficiency of Vit C

    however i think you should use mouth wash or even wash mouth ur mouth with salt

    and if its sever bleeding in and it huge inflammed try to use this drug ( Amoxcillin 500mg 4 tab daily ) and ( ibuprofen 400mg 2 daily)

    Dr. Ibrahim

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  • 1 decade ago

    Are you eating fresh fruit and veggies? Or drinking fresh fruit juices? If not, you are just suffering with scurvey. Get some floride toothpaste sent to you, and drink as much fruit juice as you can handle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    go to a dentist asap you have gingivitist

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the water is bad,did you boil it.

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