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Iam Italian, I Don't Feel Apart Of The White Race.?

This is not really a question iam more looking for comments.

Okay. Iam 100% Italian from the south, and i have really dark skin and i can't picture my self as white, people always ask me if iam arab or more comonly mexican. I have been doing research and according to my sources most southern italians have some african in them, mixed with spanish and greek (more spanish and greek than african) in them, i don't feel iam apart of the white race because my ancestors faced racism for the color of there skin they've been called wops,guniea,dago to name a few of the words that they've been called, they've also been made fun of for ther culture too but thats another story, you can go on and say what about the irish, the irish were WSAP they were only made fun for there culture unlike the italians it was there skin color being darker.Now some of you will be saying some italians are really white, well some mexicans are real white too then some are dark like the italians so what'du say??

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you don't feel apart of the race, then don't. Do you feel you have to be apart of the white race to feel complete? In my opinion, your culture is in Italy and that is what matters more. What race you identify with does not identify you personally or who you are. Remember "race" is more of a concept than factual

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Well, Spanish (from Spain) is also white :) It's an ancient European nation involved in the heart of European power and politics for centuries. Italian is white/Caucasian also, yes, although Italians are not Hispanic. Hispanic = countries where Spanish is official language in their country (like Spain, Mexico, etc). Italy and Spain are neighbors in southern Europe, have much shared or similar history, some cultural similarities as well of course, but are not the same.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My ancestors come from Sicily. I have blue eyes and fair skin. I am of Italian descent. All my grandparents were born in Italy. Greeks are Caucasians, Spaniards are Caucasians, Italians are also. Including Sicilians.

    WOP is from "without papers." It was stamped on entering immigrants who had no passports. The Irish are not WASPs. The Irish are Catholic like Italians. WASP is White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess that I am your opposite. My father is from Honduras and my mother is an American. I look like my mother who is all American blonde and blue. I speak Spanish. I teach my dausghter Spanish and ENglish. I eat Spanish food more than "American" food. I guess I act more Spanish than I look. Anyway, people always lump me in with the caucasians. I am not. When I tell them I am Spanish and from Miami they say ask if I am Cuban. I say stereotyping is stupid. people are people, when I fill out anything that asks my race, I leave that part blank. What I don't understand is why people think that just because you are not black and white that you are not mixed, isn't that what we all are. There are few people out there who can say they are only one thing. So I guess I would like to knw why it matters so much to some people.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know how you feel, i am also 100% italian, i am not all that dark, but ive gotten similar comments. I just have to take a childish view on it, thier just jealous because we have a natural tendancy to feed and nurture people, yes, that can be considered a stereotype, but i don't care. its funny that you mention the irish. what else makes the comments hurt less is my boyfriend is irish and we banter back and forth about the streotypes and names. it makes me realize that they're just stupid words. I love being italian. I have a big, italian family, and they love it too. as long as you have your family and friends, who cares what other people say.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i know exactly what u mean man i am also Italian and live in the south but i don't have as dark of skin its like tan white folks skin but i feel more of a like ... well i joke around and say I'm purple ... but i fell more like there is no race just people so i don't think of it to often. like my little sister for instance she is half black and half white (witch there is nothing wrong with that to me or my mom or older sister) and gets put down, made fun of, joked about and things of that nature. i get laughed at and told that my moms a ni**er lover or that my sister is an Oreo, half baked, speck, or they straight up call her a ni**er and that burns me up. she is only one and a half and my grandmother (god rest her sole who died of a heart attack at only 54) at first was like that and didn't want anything to do with her but god works in mysterious ways when Katrina came through it forced my mom out of her gulfport home and in with my grandmother for a year it took only 2 month for my grand mother to realize what she was doing and she changed 2 weeks ago my grandfather and my grandmother were going to go and see her and my mom but had 2 heart attacks and multiple seasurs my little sister came and it helped my grand father out a lot (he loves her to death) well i guess it just goes to show you that people are just people not color black white red orange purple blue ... there just people!

    Source(s): life experinces
  • 1 decade ago

    you have a point there....did you know that all cultures come from Africa.....I'm not religious but let me say this....a long time ago there was a king who wanted to reach the heavens and started to build a tower called the Babylon Tower,God got angry at what he was trying to do that he gave us all different languages and we all were separated in languages then the earth separated into continents and millions of years later here we go so to finish up....we are all the same all from one and one for all!

  • 1 decade ago

    What you are is a part [an important part] of the human race.

    We all came from the same original parents [Adam and Eve]

    Source(s): The Bible [KJV]
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't think anybody is white. i mean, i am cauc. but my skin is kind of tan its not white. some piano players who stay inside all the time have a tendency to be white, lol.. don't sweat it, just live.

    Source(s): be proud of your race, whatever it is, i would like to see more people practice this.
  • 1 decade ago

    Uomo di congratulazioni! Sono italiano anche. Andiamo's partito!

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