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Does the main stream media show a favorable bias towards the political left?

For a number of years I have heard Republicans complain that they don't get a fair shake in the media. ABC, NBC & CBS have always maintained that their reporting is balanced and unbiased. Recently, the 'Center for Media and Public Affairs' (an organization dedicated to the investigating, collecting data and reporting such claims in a non-partisan fashion) posted the results of a study regarding ABC, NBC & CBS and the way they report political news. The results are very interesting so please take a gander before you answer. If you don't believe me- I encourage you to check out their website for yourself.


effin drunk- funny how you post a link to a liberal site-- I'm independent and watching both sides go back and forth- bicker-bicker-bicker.... I guess I'll never cease to be amazed! LOL

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course there is a liberal bias . I noticed it when I was a democrat -before the party took a turn toward communism . It's nothing new . Did you get your info from the drive-by media ?

  • 5 years ago

    No,the better question is how much kool-aid did you drink? Yes,the media has a bias to both sides MSNBC is left,and Fox News is right CNN at least attempted to be fair,and I would say they were center right They said some very good things about McCain and Obama If you saw their special they had on both candidates as well as their running mates,you would've known that If the media was truly against McCain,they would've brought up Keating 5.When Obama tried to do that,people actually said it was old news,and it didn't matter.Or did you miss that too? They could've brought up Cindy's past wrongdoings.They would've brought up McCain cheating on his wife.They would've brought up Sarah Palin's husband being part of the Alaskan Secessionist Party. They didn't do that. So please stop with this,"The media elected Obama" crap. The media goes for ratings first. Obama was ratings gold,and Palin as a trainwreck was great for the ratings.Even more than Obama. Why can't you see that? Yes,they were drooling over him during the primaries.I found that sickening,but I think once SNL,of all shows,reminded them to be fair,they got a bit tougher on him. At least CNN did. I think MSNBC got worse,and it is one level above Fox in the lowness scale @ Jackie M,care to list those questions? I admit that the newspaper question to Palin and the Bush Doctrine was unfair,but how was the rest not relevant? With Palin,people didn't know her,and she was a total surprise pick. Everyone wanted to find out more from her because she wasn't really vetted.Obama had been running for twenty months,and Biden has been in the political eye ever since the late 80s @ thomas P,BULLSHIT.Fox News still has the "Fair and Balanced" slogan all the time. What are you talking about? I watch the channel everyday.Every Fox News commercial has that.Do you even watch it? No. CNN,ABC,NBC,and CBS don't have a Liberal slant. They have a "We want to get good ratings" slant.Whatever brings in the ratings is their key,and that means talking about Obama. MSNBC has a Liberal slant Wow,you people have no idea how the media works

  • 1 decade ago

    The Washington Press/Jounalist and Propagandist all party with each other. So they have peer pressure to act and think like each other. That is why, they all report the same topics, the same day, the same way, and just copies of each other in how they spit out their news stories and there biased opinion about them. If you go against the grain in reporting a certain viewpoint that is different from your buddies, you will be ostracized,no more parties with your buddies in the media. So they all comply to a certain viewpoint, and that is Democrats are good, Republicans are bad. That is the premise to all stories they write and talk about.

  • 1 decade ago

    Case in point for a conservative bias: The leadup to the Iraq war. ALL media were interviewing generals on how the war would go. Very very few discussions of anti-war views.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My husband and I watch and read alot of news... it has been our experience that very few newscasts and even fewer newspapers are unbiased or balanced. Most are left wing - and that's across the board - no matter what industrialized nation's news is viewed / read.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The right thinks the media have a liberal bias.

    The left thinks the media have a conservative bias.

  • 1 decade ago

    The 'Center for Media and Public Affairs' is a conservative group run with funds raised from conservatives and conservative groups.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "Liberal media" is an illusion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope. You can spin facts any way you want to make your case. I'm not convinced.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they do

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