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what happens to food in outer space? does it rot?

does it spoil? does it grow worms or anything?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no absolutely not !! rotting is an organic process initiated by microorganism in the air. in the space our food is specially sterized and air is constantly refined.So if food is itself is not contaminated i dont think it will rot

  • Mez
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    By "outer space" I am presuming you don't mean inside a space capsule. In other words, I will assume that you mean a piece of food floating in space...a vacuum. It depends on where in outer space it is. If it is in a shadow it will freeze, if it is exposed to the sun it will cook. I think maybe we don't know whether certain germs, viruses etc can survive in outer space (that's why the astronauts who went to the moon had to be decontaminated and quarantined for a while). I think the answer to your question is, nobody knows for sure (although I don't think worms can survive in a vacuum!)

    Source(s): A thought experiment
  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely it will not rot, for the space is a vast vaccum means no air and such organisms will not grow without air and of course any worms will not. Certainly if any organisms or worms escape thru space it will not survive fo a long time for space produce large amount of radiowaves probablt kills any organisms.

  • 1 decade ago

    Space is a vacuum and if you vacuum pack your food, you are basically doing the same thing (although space would eliminate all the air).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Only if it has anaerobic bacteria on it due to the lack of oxygen in space.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait I wiil check

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