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HELP!!!! My car is on the fritz....?

I own a chevy lumina. recently developed a water leak. not from the radiator or a hose. it seems to be coming from some sort of rubber spittlecock towards the tranny pan. not sure what it is. it looks similar to a ?pcv valve? obviously not what it is but just trying to describe it. is this directly related to the heater coil? thats the only thing i could come up with. if you know anything about this could you please give me some advice? i am not a mechanic but am mechanically inclined. if i could avoid a mechanix wages and do it myself it would be great. the car is not worth much just trying to keep it going for a few more months. it runs great but gotta put water all the time. thank you for your time and input.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like the drain tube for your heater and A/C air box. It is there to drain condensation from the A/C evaporator and to drain the leakage of a leaking heater core (NOT CORD!).

    I never heard of a heater CORD unless it was attached to an electric heater and needed plugging in.

    The heater core is under your dash, get a repair manual, it explains better and also has diagrams.

    The heater core shouldn't be very expensive. If you're mechanically inclined, look it over in the book and go for it.

    If not, suck it up and pay someone to do it. I hated it when I got those "I got it all tore apart but can't figure out what to do next" people. Yes, I charged them the full labor rate and sometimes extra for finishing their mess. In most cases it took me longer to put their mess back together than if I had torn it apart from the beginning myself.

    Source(s): Mechanic / ASE Parts Specialist
  • 1 decade ago

    ok if is it located on the firewall if so then is probly the drain for the heat cord which would mean your heater cord is bad

  • 1 decade ago

    well not really sure but if u want

    the best thing if 2 plug it get the right king of silicone and u done

  • DASH
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    if your heater core is leaking,it will drip thru this tube.

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