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What can I take for a cold?

I may sound like a baby, but I feel like crud! I am 9 1/2 weeks along, and my wonderful, beautiful 11 year old is proving she learned the joys of sharing by infecting me with the virus she picked up at school. I know I can take Tylenol for the headache and fever, but is there anything OTC that is okay for the congestion and sneezing that will not harm the baby? My usual is Dayquil or TheraFlu, but I have a sneaky suspicion those are probably not kosher at this point!

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i just went through this. i'm 16 weeks and was sick for almost a month (head-cold). my doctor said there was NOTHING i could take. i asked if i could take a tylenol cold medication (since it's tylenol...) he said NO. he said i could take REGULAR tylenol and that would cut down on the mucus... but it really didn't seem to help me much. the cold ended up running it's course. sorry to be the bearer of bad news!

  • 1 decade ago

    Although I cannot give you any sopecific examples, you can always call Mother Risk at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, Canada.

    They have all the most current and extensive info on every medication and it's safe use during pregnancy and lactation. (416) 813-6780 - Motherisk's Home Line or log on to . These Helplines are open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. in each of Canada's time zones. Toll Free: 1 800 436-8477

    In any case, keep up with the fluids, Tylenol (do not exceed 4000mg in one day), and rest.

    Good luck

    Source(s): RN, BScN - Maternal/Newborn Nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    When I was hospatalized due to high blood pressure in my pregnancy the OB (who was in fact the Chief OB for the unit) gave the ok for me to take Tylenol for my cold. I just took the regular strenght one but he had ok'ed Tylenol III. Just to be sure I would check with your DR or call your local health info line if you have one in the area. What also works kind of nicely is some ginger ale heated in the microwave - no meds in that and it seemed to help me.

    Before taking any herbal remadies chack with your DR as they can have side effects and can some can be harmfult to the baby i.e. cause contractions etc.....

    for the congestion you could use some vics vapo rub it says on the packaging to consult with your Dr before use so again run it past him/her or any public health info system you may have in your area. You could just inhale steam (i.e bowl of v. hot water and towel over your head) with no additives - this may loosen things up a bit.

    Another remidy that my dad suggested for the cold is hot milk with honey - i used this in the first trimester and it seems to help a bit.

    Hope you feel better soon

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, I hope you feel better. Being sick is no fun. As far as what to do I would suggest lots and lots of Orange Juice and water. Make sure you change your sheets/bedding frequently to prevent the germs from spreading. I have tried several different types of OTC meds for a cold and I'm found (please excuse my spelling) Mucinex works the best. Its a bit more expensive than Tylenol and other meds but it has proven to kick my colds rear end everytime!!!! Good luck and get rest!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am getting over a cold, it was torture watching everyone else taking something to make them feel better, but I suffered through it. My whole family got it. But I am the type of person that hates taking stuff when I am pregnant, so as long as I am still eating, and it won't effect the baby, I'll suffer.

    Call your doc and ask if there is something you can take. Drink lots of OJ, that helped me!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Tylenol liquid cold and flu cool breeze knocked the cold right out of me. I wouldn't take nothing else unless the doctor suggest something.

  • Nora G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    my grand daughter had a baby 2 years ago and the doctors would not let her have anything at all for her cold. u just have to ride it out. call ur doctor in the a.m. but i'm pretty sure he'll say no.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is different, however, my OB-GYN did tell me it was ok for me to take Tylenol, Robitussin, and Sudafed. However that was in my case. you will need to check with your own doctor to be sure!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    try asking yuor doctor he/she will be able to tell you.I knwo when i was preg my doc told me i would just have to let it run its course good luck

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