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how does race, poverty, gender, ect affect a students education?

how does poverty, race, gender, parents, teachers, or the student itself affect a child's education?

research assignment

8 Answers

  • Jack
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is tough and also very specific to each region and society. Some societies are very different from others regarding education. Also, the level of education makes a difference. My family could not afford a modern computer. As a consequence I could not do some homework at home. I was allowed to come to school a few hours early and use the school computers. I did "OK". Poverty only starts to influence education at higher levels. The higher the level of education sought, the greater the cost. Someone pays whether you or someone else.

    Race by itself does not influence education. Culture does so more than race. Racism is related to culture. In some cases you are considering the child's response to racism much more than the child's race is considered.

    Gender is up for grabs debate-wise. We simply don't know enough to say with certainty how gender influences learning. There are hints, but only hints. The other problem is that averaging students in such a way puts increased burdens or difficulties on the boys or girls who do not fit the mold or who are not average. Their learning would be hindered.

    Parents involvement is important. They influence the child's attitudes toward school as well as the child's behavior.

    Teachers methods are important. They are always learning how children learn. They change from year to year with understanding and also with using technology in teaching. It is know that it is critical. It is not know exactly how.

    There are simply too many variables to nail down an answer. I have talked with teachers. They tell me that the same problem has to be addressed completely differently with different regions. The inner city children of New York have a vocabulary and sense of English that is almost completely different from rural OK. You cannot teach them the same because their understanding and environment are so different. In OK cows are seen everyday. In New York City they are in a zoo. In some places the food was seen alive only hours before it is eaten. It makes a difference. Again, that is just the tip of the ice burg.

  • 1 decade ago

    Education can be affected by many issues. Poverty can affect a student by the students family not having enough money to buy material that is needed or not being able to attend a "better" school that has material or teachers that better than some other schools, or they might not have the up to date technology that is used to teach/learn. Well race and gender depends on the school/teacher. It is sad to say but there are some schools or teachers tha do not like a certain race or they play favorites with one race/gender more than the other. Some teachers might have the mind set that one gender/race is smarter than the other. Teachers and parents are a big part of a child's learning and future. If the teacher is not happy with their job they will not be at their full potential or interest to teach and parents that do not get involved in their childs education are only harming their children. If a child sees that a parent helps out it can encourage the child and they can see that their parent(s) is interested. And there is so much a teacher/parent can do a student also needs to put in their part.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will attempt to address these one at a time.

    Poverty will affect a student mostly in his or her self-esteem. Children know when they cannot afford to do or have what their peer group has and are adversely affected by this. To a committed child this will act as a goad to achieve even better grades in the hope of bettering their situation. To other students it will mean they just don't care a feeling of hopelessness.

    Race will have an effect if the child feels that his teachers are racist or if his parents tell him he will not be treated fairly because he is black or hispanic.

    Gender should have no effect at all except that girls and boys learn differently. If efforts are made by the teacher to use these differences the student will thrive.

    Now we come to the two hardest to address the parent and the student. Parents have a profound impact on their childrens educations. If they believe that education is important and show their children that this is what they believe their child will be a good student. This means setting aside time for homework, making sure that reference materials are handy. Giving the child the proper nutriction and time for sleep that they need to do their best all the things that make up being a good parent. The student who has all the things he needs and still fails is going to think of himself as a total failure. This will not be true but he will still feel this way. Hopefully the parents would console the child and help him to achieve what he is capable of. The child who does not have supportive parents must struggle to achieve and usually works very hard. But if even with hard work he still fails he can become so demoralized that he may not be able to achieve to his full potential. I am sure there are other things but these are the things I have learned just through living for 60 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    poverty - they couldn't participate in different activities and some other projects that requires a big amount of money. they will fail in some subjects that they we're able to submit requirements

    parents- if the parents don't watch their child's education then the child wouldn't be motivated and wouldn't participate well in the class

    teacher -they are the very important people in the child's education. they must be an excellent teacher so that the student can learn well from them, if not - even the smartest student could get bored and will be unmotivated to participate in the class

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    my own characteristics have developed my identity in lots of techniques different than basically superficial motives. Like there's a guy in my chem classification that thinks ladies cant do technological expertise. for this reason i'm very a lot so in help of a president which may be an occasion for each of the bigoted adult men that ladies can particularly be basically as effective. Race would be a element too, in that i think of that the monotony of the white adult men for president is killing the rustic. in all probability, a guy with a distinctive outlook on existence and private family members ought to help carry usa back to its former glory. faith is a vast element, extraordinarily being from Kansas. no longer a lot on the national point, yet greater on the state point, each and every candidate is working and being supported totally via their faith. As a no longer-Christian, this is stressful. I relatively have basically as a lot of a superb to exist with my own ideals and prepare them, and that they don't have the spectacular to make the form a xerox of the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have time before your assignment is due, try reading a book by Dr. Ruby Payne. "A Framework for understanding poverty" is a good one with which to start. She talks about the different world views in the different classes in the US. We don't like to talk about it, but there are differnet world views that make it difficult for some students.

  • 4 years ago

    Does Race Affect Education

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to learn how to conjugate verbs based on singular and plural nouns!

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