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Super Volcanoes, Meteors, Shifting Poles; Why all of this now?

Why now are we having all of this talk about super volcanoes, polar shifts, possible meteor collisions, global warming? And most of all, what can we do to be prepared?

7 Answers

  • Eldude
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Biblical end has all been prophesied

  • 1 decade ago

    A very good question, and yet one that you may not want to know the answer to. It is in the Scriptures that these things are foretold. In one account the disciples ask Jesus how they will know the time of the end. Jesus tells them that they will look to the sky and see dark clouds and know that a storm is coming, so it is with the end of time. The rise in catastrophic occurrences and awakening of the understanding of man kind is no accident. Matthew 24 is a good reference: Verse3 -signs of the end, verse 6 wars and rumors of wars, verse 7 famine, pestilences (diseases) and earth quakes in unusual and many places. verse 8 beginning of sorrows, verse 11 rise of false prophets, verse 15 rise of the anti Christ, verse 24 false Christs. There are accounts of this conversation in the other gospel accounts as well as references in many other books of the bible. a good reference if you do not own a bible are the on-line bible sites. I use It gives you the option to choose the version of the bible you understand best, probably the Good news or New American Standard will help. There is a purpose in this question, Seek and you will find. No man will be able to turn back the events that are already in motion. The only hope is in securing a place for your self in heaven. Read the book of Romans or the gospel of John and ask the questions they will raise for you.

    Source(s): THe bible, book of Matthew, Romans and John., life experience
  • 1 decade ago

    i agree that global warming is a problem, but keep in mind that we've only really been recording things like weather patterns, volcanic eruptions, etc...for a hundred years for so. i think it's unreasonable to assume that these things have never happened before. what about vesuvius? krakatoa? there is archaeoligical evidence of tsunamis occuring every few thousand years in the united states. all we can do is make sure we take care of the world by polluting it as little as possible, and let the world do what it's been doing for millions of years.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the end times. Places that have never had earthquakes will experience them. Anything can happen at any time, prepared or not. I do believe we will be seeing Christ's return to this earth, hopefully very soon. If things get worse, we really will be in a lot of trouble.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just read Revelations and all those questions will be answered...and the way to be prepared is to get saved...and actually mean it...dont just do it because it will save you from the horrible stuff that will happen after the rapture...

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't believe this talk about spiritual matters people will be prone to relate. When the cataclysms begin, you just better brace yourself the best way you know how, baby!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's Armageddon!!!!!!!

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